View Full Version : Scared I May have Cellulitis

09-04-18, 01:00
Hey all sorry I haven't posted in awhile, man I was doing well haven't dr. googled at all either. Last night I was laying in bed and I had my leg close tot he edge, my male cat decides to jump up and join me, well as he was trying to jump up, he gripped onto my leg with one of his claws and it got stuck and he pulled it out, it started to bleed and then stopped, suddenly clear fluid started gushing out, just dripping, I have had this happen before and was able to stop it after four hours, however I had a major panic attack, and am still panicking, I made the mistake of googling and first thing came up was infection, infection, I made sure I cleaned the wound well and put peroxide on it twice and washed with soap and water, and covered it with a bandage, right now it's not really red just the normal red, it's not swollen nor hot, and not really sore, but I am just worried now I am going to get an infection, I keep feeling my face to see if I am hot, I asked hubby to get a thermometer next he goes out, checking my bandage and the wound, I change the bandage every thirty mins to an hour and it's not even wet. I have had bites from my cats and dogs as well as scratches and nothing ever happened, not sure why Iam freaking out now. Oh about the fluid leaking, my ankles and lower legs tend to puff up if I sit for to long or have to much sodium or it gets to hot, so I am also worried that if I sit today and the wound is not all the way healed if I swell up with fluid retention will the wound start leaking, I hate anxiety....and worrying about stuff.

09-04-18, 16:53
I've gotten scratched by cats my whole life. I've had a cats growing up. I never once got an infection, and I've gotten some deep cuts. If you're worried, you can go to the immediate care and have them take a look. They probably won't do anything, but it may make you feel better.
It seems like you cleaned out the wound and it now just has to heal.

09-04-18, 17:04
I have been watching the wound and it looks fine, this is a puncture wounds his claw went in and was such for a few seconds and he ripped it out. I looked up symptoms of sepsis big mistake, however my heart isn't pounding, I do feel a bit chilled but at times that is normal for me , I don't feel hot nor do I have a rash anywhere or redness, my chest hurts a bit from coughing and I have thrown up phlegm. And no redness or puffiness around wound

12-04-18, 03:19
Hello, on the seventh my cat jumped on my bed and his claw got stuck in my leg he ripped his claw out, It bled and then oozed some clear liquid, which stopped after four hours, I cleaned the wound put a bandage on it kept checking it all day the next day for any signs of infection, I made the mistake of googling sepsis and freaked myself out, When the cat clawed me i had bad anxiety and panic and the following day,(4-9) I started shaking bad chills which as I do when I have an anxiety attack, I had on light pants, socks to below my ankles and a long sleeve shirt trying to warm up, I went and sat outside for about 5-7 mins, I am light complected and dont go out in the sun for that long, the side the wound was on I had the leg of the pants up after sitting there I came in and got into bed, got warm very warm, hubby went and got a thermometer and my temp was 103, I took aspirin, brought it down, slept, feeling like I had the flu, coughing, spitting and throwing up phlegm, clearing my throat, ribs and back ache from all the coughing, felt like I could have had post nasal drip or bronchitis as well, so I checked my wound again no red streaks, or swollen, no pain, I go to bed and wake up (4-10) I look at my leg its all red from where my pants leg wasn't covering to where my sock stopped, looks like a sunburn, and feels warm like a sunburn would I google how to care for puncture wound and up pops cellulitis, oh my fever eventually dropped to any where from-99-100 each time I take it, I have been obsessed with doing that worried my fever is going to shoot back up to 103, oh I didnt take any more fever reducer and I didnt bundle up I let my body do its thing, so finally to the point (4-11) I am feeling much better my flu symptoms are gone, my leg is still sunburn red, non painful and non swelling, not tender to touch, nor hurts when I stand no blisters or swollen lymph nodes just body temp jumping from 98-100 I think the thermometer is wonky, wound has scabbed over and does not look infected and I think I can see faint outline of band aid hubby did tell me he could see it as well and that he thinks I do have a sunburn, oh it does sting a bit when I scratch like a sunburn and I did make the mistake of smacking my leg with my hand lightly (it hurt like heck) but i am still worried its cellulitis , its been four days If I had cellulitis would I be getting worse instead of better? I have been clawed before by female cat like what male cat did and never had any issue, I haven't been very hungry as I have been sick I have been drinking water and ate almost all of a cheeseburger and a bit of fries and an orange today so far. oh and I read in medical journal I have true body temp is actally 99.6 and could also be 98.7 for most people

so up date I contacted a service here, and it may be in other parts of the US, and it is Legit, you video chat with a doctor pay a fee of 99.00 and talk to them about your symptoms, I know they are Legit as their Clinic is where my mother in law lives not to far from me, he prescribed me antibiotics he didnt sound concerned I uploaded a picture of my leg and wound he looked at asked if it was draining pus or anything I said no, he said that is good, he couldnt state if it was or not but since my symptoms are so mild, to my way of thinking after all the research I did on cellulitis and sepsis, told me to draw lines close to the rash at both ends and take the script for 72 hours if it doesnt recede then I am to go to ER, I hate taking any meds at all as I dont want my liver harmed. So keeping fingers crossed and saying a blessing to the Goddess.

12-04-18, 09:16

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14-04-18, 22:37
Update, Dr Google this time was correct, I do have cellulitis so am on treatment of antibiotics and I do have edema.

14-04-18, 23:02
pkstarcy, when my son first got cellulitis, I learned how important it is to be seen promptly by a doctor. I've had to make a similar decision about whether or not to take meds for suspected cellulitis. It's an aggressive enough bacteria that I'd err on the side of caution and take the meds. I'm glad you're following through with that. :)

15-04-18, 02:03
When we hear cellulitis we tend to think of the worst cases. My mum has had it due to medication changes and it was resolved very quickly & easily by the GP.

15-04-18, 04:34
Thanks for your replies mine is called cat scratch cellulitis

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

I went to a walk in clinic and was confirmed to have cat scratch cellulitis, was given stronger antibiotic and a tetanus shot. Thank you for your replies. I was scared to death as the web makes it seem like death of sepsis is certain

25-04-18, 00:46
Went back to Dr. on 21st he said it has improved and didn't offer any more meds, I just took my last antibiotic today and am just worried it will come back, I keep thinking did I catch it soon enough, did I start antibiotics soon enough, I am going to be worried everytime I get chilled thinking it's coming back, I have been so depressed the past two weeks I have hardly wanted to leave my bed.

25-04-18, 02:48
You'll be fine, my friend is a DR - poor friend having a HA friend and I asked her about Cellulitis from a mosquito bite and her response ' so what if you get it, you treat it, it's gone.' wasn't concerned in the slightest!
When I asked her if it was common she said 'yep and treatable.'
I bet you're absolutely fine!

26-04-18, 21:12
Tan thank you, yeah I just finished a 13 day course of antibiotics. no signs so far of it coming back, however my skin is now flaking and peeling like it would do if I had a sunburn, I do keep lotion on it, Just when you google all the scary stuff pops up about cellulitis.