View Full Version : Worst sore throat now chest congestion after a week

12-04-18, 11:34
Last Saturday I came down with the worst sore throats I've ever experienced. Also accompanied by body aches and bloody phlegm. I think that was from my throats being so raw.. The body aches only last that day basically, but the sore throats has persisted on. I went and got two rapid strep tests which came back negative. Not the sore throat is still there, but I'm also developing lots of chest congestion and thick dark yellow phlegm. Also starting to have a nice cough to go along with this. Is this normal for it to progress after almost a week? I figured by none I'd start to get better.

12-04-18, 11:40
Can last many weeks. The last one I had the cough lasted 5 months. Keep hydrated and rest as much as possible.

12-04-18, 11:42
Sounds like you got a nasty case of crud. As long as you're not running a fever, it's probably just a virus. Pick up some Musinex or another OTC remedy to help. If it persists or gets worse, a trip to your GP may be in order.

Positive thoughts

13-04-18, 20:15
I just had a white spot show up on the back of my throats where my tonsils would be. I had two rapid strep tests and a culture. Don't know if it could've now turned to strep or if it could be a tonsil stone. I don't even know what the symptoms of one would be or if you could get one without tonsils. I'm trying to keep my mind from going straight to throat cancer now.

13-04-18, 20:51
Yes! I had the same, but also with a fever and vomiting. I felt absolutely awful. The phlegm is still there a week later, it’s absolutely normal.

Keep drinking warm drinks, take some vitamin C & Zinc (is what my GP said too)

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14-04-18, 01:47
I've started taking other vitamins. I wouldn't mind any of this if it wasn't for the sore throats which now has the feeling of a lump in my throat.

14-04-18, 09:51
The sore throat is awful, but you might have mucus there now too. It’ll clear, just rest as much as you can

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