View Full Version : Anxiety or not?

12-04-18, 14:22
I have suffered depression and anxiety since 2004 on and off, the anxiety wasn’t too bad back then it was more depression.
Since getting back to myself over the years, meds and therapy I have learnt to deal with what life threw at me. But over the past few months I have started with quite bad (what I think is) anxiety, chest pains, constant worries, feeling of dread, needing reassurance. But depression has also come with this, I have 5 children so I’m constantly busy, I’m always tired!
I tried to speak to my husband but that made me feel worse, his reply was ‘I can’t help you, do you have a racing heart? No? It’s not anxiety then’
He suffers anxiety but won’t get help I understand him, why can’t he understand me? He never has really.
I feel like I don’t have anyone to talk to.
If it wasn’t for my kids I wouldn’t be here 😔

12-04-18, 15:36
I hope your ok it sounds like you have a lot to deal with, anxiety comes in many forms and it does sound like you have anxiety the constant feeling of dread it something I deal with too having a lot go on in your life and the stress that comes with that can feed the anxiety because your mind is never stopping and when it does its finding something to carry on thinking about, I know it must be hard with 5 kids but is there anyway you can take 5 minutes out for yourself, if you have 5 minutes everyday to let your mind rest you will be able to find a way to control the feelings you have