View Full Version : Flashlight test to check breast?

12-04-18, 14:48
Flashlight test to check breast? Anyone tried it? I have an area above my left aerola that feels like a thick balloon or swollen breast tissue, it's kinda big, a couple inches in width. I can move it easily and it's soft so I wasn't completely alarmed over it considering I'm 33, no history, had a clear breast MRI, mammogram/ultrasound and my breast are not dense, less than 2 years ago. I had all those tests for an unrelated area that came back as nothing. Well last night I ran across something how you can shine an L.E.D light through your breast and if an area shows up as a shadow or dark spot it could mean something that needs to be checked out. Well my curious mind decided to try it and the area I feel showed up dark. I read that a cyst will show through, which is what I was thinking I was feeling. Ugh! I already suffer from health anxiety so this did nothing but terrify me! So needless to say I'm seeing my gynecologist next Wednesday to see if she will send me for mammogram and ultrasound. I'm terrified!

12-04-18, 15:08
If you are in the US most insurances won't pay for a mammogram unless there is a reason for it due to risk of radiation. There is a reason women aren't told to do a flashlight test as it isn't a actual test.

12-04-18, 15:15
HI does your dr know about your HA, have you told him? The thing is with HA even if you have a mamagram will you believe the results even if you do you will find another HA thing to worry about there is help for HA if you only just ask. ATB

12-04-18, 15:19
HI does your dr know about your HA, have you told him? The thing is with HA even if you have a mamagram will you believe the results even if you do you will find another HA thing to worry about there is help for HA if you only just ask. ATB

Yes, I would trust them. Yes, she knows about my HA and we've discussed it.

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

If you are in the US most insurances won't pay for a mammogram unless there is a reason for it due to risk of radiation. There is a reason women aren't told to do a flashlight test as it isn't a actual test.

My insurance is pretty good and has always covered them in the past so that's a non issue.

12-04-18, 15:26
Apologies for being brash, but, it seems like more mental health treatment and less self internet based self testing is in order. You know as well as I do, a mammogram will make you feel better temporarily, but it’s just a matter of time before you”discover” something else that sends you into a panic. So why not cut out the middle man and treat the core issue?

12-04-18, 15:30
Hmmm... Were you googling about how to check for breast cancer? Sounds like you’ve had medical tests that came back normal, so... I’ve actually had breast cancer, and through my own past bad decisions to google, I never just ran across anything about a flashlight to check your breasts. I would just let the doctor determine if you need further testing. They can tell you more than what seems to me to be a bogus claim about a flashlight. My main point is to not google! There’s so much BS on the internet and for an anxiety sufferer it’s the absolute worst thing to do!
And as the above posters have pointed out, treating your anxiety is key here. I can understand your panic, IF you have felt something, but haven’t ruled cancer out, but in your case you have had tests that do that, so why go looking for trouble?

12-04-18, 15:37
Apologies for being brash, but, it seems like more mental health treatment and less self internet based self testing is in order. You know as well as I do, a mammogram will make you feel better temporarily, but it’s just a matter of time before you”discover” something else that sends you into a panic. So why not cut out the middle man and treat the core issue?

Not brash at all, i don't disagree with you and I've actually been making efforts the last 5 months by changing my diet (gluten free), found out some vitamins I'm.low on and went on supplements, started exercising, listening to anxiety podcasts etc I've made some progress but it gets thrown backwards when something like this happens. I noticed this area a couple weeks ago but didn't panic until I discovered this last night. I know how ridiculous is sounds but after reading several case studies it seems pretty legit so I'm wondering if anyone else had experience.

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 14:31 ----------

Hmmm... Were you googling about how to check for breast cancer? Sounds like you’ve had medical tests that came back normal, so... I’ve actually had breast cancer, and through my own past bad decisions to google, I never just ran across anything about a flashlight to check your breasts. I would just let the doctor determine if you need further testing. They can tell you more than what seems to me to be a bogus claim about a flashlight. My main point is to not google! There’s so much BS on the internet and for an anxiety sufferer it’s the absolute worst thing to do!

Yes, I was actually. How to do proper exams etc. I admit it, googling sucks and I have a bad habit of it. It feeds my anxiety, I know. That is the progress I've made lately, realizing the problem but turning it around is my struggle.

I'm sorry you dealt with breast cancer. I pray you never have to again!

---------- Post added at 14:37 ---------- Previous post was at 14:35 ----------

And as the above posters have pointed out, treating your anxiety is key here. I can understand your panic, IF you have felt something, but haven’t ruled cancer out, but in your case you have had tests that do that, so why go looking for trouble?[/QUOTE]

Even if they were just shy of 2 years ago?

12-04-18, 18:22
Again, STOP googling. Once you do, you’ll be able to better cope with you anxiety. Trust me! To answer your other question regarding it being two years, only a doctor can answer that. Ask your doctor how to do proper breast exams. I will tell you that some doctor’s recommend doing it once a month, a week after your period. Some doctor’s don’t agree with doing them that often, because it can lead to unnecessary testing. You should talk with your own doc who knows you best, and have them educate you on what is normal and what is not. I felt my lump in the shower and knew right away that it wasn’t normal. Educate yourself but NOT via the internet. This is why it’s so important to discuss these types of things with your doctor, because they know you, and know what they’ve seen, felt, etc. Dr. Google does not! Now, relax, step away from the internet and wait and see what your doc says next week. Put the flashlight away while you’re at it!

12-04-18, 20:23
I have never thought about using the flashlight to check myself for lumps I would not how to do this and would make myself more scared.

20-04-18, 15:03
Anyone else shed some light on this? My appointment got moved to Tuesday so I'm waiting in total panic.

20-04-18, 15:31
Shed light on which aspect ?

20-04-18, 19:07
Shed light on which aspect ?

If the f flashlight test really works

08-05-18, 14:31
Tomorrow is my Dr. appointment, finally. It had gotten cancelled by the Dr. and then I wanted to wait until my period came and went. My period came 9 days ago, ended 4 days ago and while the area did go down quite a bit, its still there. I'm praying its a big cyst. Its the flashlight thing that throws me off. It still looks dark with the flashlight. I've done TONS of reading on it and it seems kinda legit so I'm really really really scared for tomorrow but also afraid my Dr. will dismiss me and think I'm crazy at the same time. Ugh! :(

08-05-18, 14:37
This breastlight test thing (are you using the proper unit or a normal torch?) seems to be controversial about if it is any use or not. Personally, I think its a load of cobblers that its going to help women pick up breast cancer, and people should just get on with learning how to do proper manual examination and not pay out for something like this


08-05-18, 14:43
This breastlight test thing (are you using the proper unit or a normal torch?) seems to be controversial about if it is any use or not. Personally, I think its a load of cobblers that its going to help women pick up breast cancer, and people should just get on with learning how to do proper manual examination and not pay out for something like this


I've been using a pretty strong LED flashlight that my husband uses. It lights up my entire breast. Neither breast has any dark patches except this one and its exactly what I"m feeling as far as size. But yet the area feels like an overfilled blister or balloon so that why I was thinking cyst. Half of it has gone down since my period ended but yet still looks dark with the flashlight. That article says 67% that is a pretty big number and makes it seem legit. I'm so scared. :( :scared15: I keep trying to reassure myself that I had a clear breast MRI back in April 2016, nothing seen at all (was having a breast dimple investigated) and that was only 2 years ago and I'm 33 with no history so the chances of something growing this large in 2 years is not very likely. But its hard to focus on that and I don't know if I can still rely on that clear test or not at this point.

ETA: I found the lump doing my monthly exam, last month, which was about a week before I tried the flashlight thing. So I was hopeful the dark spot was a bruise from me feeling the area but its now been a month and it hasn't gone away and its never been painful this entire time.

08-05-18, 15:11
Hiyer Leslie,

Well, I guess you found it through examination first, so you did feel it (which is the best thing to do imo) and you felt it was confirmed by the light. I'm sorry you are so scared about this, but all you can do is what you are doing - ask the opinion of a medic. How large is this area and does it feel like a distinct lump?

08-05-18, 15:19
Hiyer Leslie,

Well, I guess you found it through examination first, so you did feel it (which is the best thing to do imo) and you felt it was confirmed by the light. I'm sorry you are so scared about this, but all you can do is what you are doing - ask the opinion of a medic. How large is this area and does it feel like a distinct lump?

Its about an inch and 1/2 across, or like two fingers in width. Half of it deflated with my period though but I can still feel where it was. The other half still feels puffy like a overfilled blister. I wouldn't say distinct like like a pea or marble, but like one of my breast tissue normal lumps but its filled up. Does that make sense? I was scared it was thickening for a while but I don't think that anymore. It feels like if I pressed on it hard enough it would pop. Its defiantly not hard by any means, like I can compress it and all. That is why I was thinking cyst, and if it wasn't for the stupid flashlight, I wouldn't be worrying over this and probably wait out my next cycle. But I have a medical degree (not a Dr or nurse) so I know some stuff and I know light passes through fluid so that rules out cyst. The only problem I can't tell exactly where its edges are, one side I kinda can but the other 3 I cannot (it feels squarish a little or oval I guess). With the light it looks oval. Looking at it through the light I can see where it ends at which is where the puffiness stops but I can't feel edges. I know that all sounds so confusing. I have a feeling my Dr. is going to think I'm completely crazy. She's already on me about my anxiety so I'm nervous she's going to dismiss this and I'll be left with this fear but also terrified to have it further checked out. I hate this so much! I'm in a complete panic over this and so upset because I'm trying really hard to work on my HA but it get shoved backwards when stuff like this happens. To top it all off I'm having a neck scan in 2 weeks to follow up on lymph node thats a little swollen from January, and my thyroid nodules and its a little enlarged. Its just too much. :(

09-05-18, 15:14
Wanted to come back and update for those that were kind to reply to me and those that might be going through similar worries....

Anyway, went and saw my OBGYN this morning, so she came in and we talked a couple minutes about life in general, how she cut her hair and l liked it. She noticed my anxiety right away and made a comment "you have anxiety but I love ya!" lol! I explained what I felt, how it half way went away during my period and then I told her about the flashlight thing. She dismissed the flashlight thing immediately and said that is not a true test and to never do that again. She said immediately she wasn't worried about what I was explaining because it was squishy and it partially went away....
She then did an exam and felt both breasts pretty well. Then I pointed out what I was feeling and she said I have are fibrocystic changes and she said its something I'm going to have to get use to. She said that it was a cyst and it left behind a scar tissue (which is probably what I'm seeing on flashlight, although she didn't suggest that). She said when I feel something like I feel, I need to give it 3 cycles before worrying. She said if after 3 cycles it hasn't gone down then come in. She was a little surprised that it being so big that it didn't hurt but other than that she wasn't concerned. She told me not to even chase it, that its nothing....
Then we talked about my anxiety, quite a bit. I told her I wanted help with it and I couldn't deal with it anymore. She agreed to help me. She gave me an herbal anxiety med to try. She told me how to take it and other patients that have taken it before and loved it. Its called "Bliss" antistress forumla. She said if I like it, then I'm welcome to have more. That was pretty much it, overall it was a great visit and another confirmation on how much I love my Dr.

09-05-18, 15:28
She dismissed the flashlight thing immediately and said that is not a true test and to never do that again.Well, can I say what I want to say here ? :roflmao:Leslie.............I.........

Anyone else reading this, as I said up above, the flashlight test is a 'load of cobblers'.

Absolutely the outcome I was expecting for you, and a very good visit with a very good doctor. Brilliant.

09-05-18, 15:29
Well, can I say what I want to say here ? :roflmao:Leslie.............I.........

Anyone else reading this, as I said up above, the flashlight test is a 'load of cobblers'.

Absolutely the outcome I was expecting for you, and a very good visit with a very good doctor. Brilliant.

Thank you so much! I am fully ok with getting the "I told ya so!" :yesyes: :whistles:

09-05-18, 15:31
Bless your heart. These flipping checking ideas that people come up with, they prey on the fearful and I don't like it. So pleased for you. :yesyes:

09-05-18, 15:59
Bless your heart. These flipping checking ideas that people come up with, they prey on the fearful and I don't like it. So pleased for you. :yesyes:

Agreed!!! My Dr. was like "seriously? :unsure:" She was like "I'm the Dr. that is not." lol! Thank you, me too!!! Now to tackle this anxiety!

09-05-18, 16:01
I didn't comment but I knew the flashlight test thing was a wild goose chase ;)

Here's an appropriate "Told ya so"


Positive thoughts

09-05-18, 16:05
I didn't comment but I knew the flashlight test thing was a wild goose chase ;)

Here's an appropriate "Told ya so"


Positive thoughts

I literally giggled, lol! Thanks Fish, can always count on you. ;)

09-05-18, 16:08
Do you know FMP, when I was looking up about the flashlight thing - they now make special red light bright versions which are 'home medical checks'. You know, like along the lines of home BP monitors and diabetes machines, all clinically packaged and the like. Well, yeah, what a pile of mouldy mackerel fillet, nobody can find out if they have cancer from a really bright light. You can see 'things' but they might be quite normal and nothing to worry about at all - nothing comes in the place of good doctors with regard to checks for certain conditions. Hey, what next, a massive huge strip light that beams through your body and you can see your organs LOL

09-05-18, 16:40
To me it's like those silly things you strap to your body to remove belly fat and such. There's no such thing as spot reduction. It's good old diet and exercise. The places you gain first will be the last to go.

Positive thoughts