View Full Version : Neck lymph node

12-04-18, 16:22
Last night I was moving my neck when I felt a 'fullness' on the right side of my neck. I touched it and there is a malteaser size lump on the side. It's noticable to the eye when I tilt my head.
My husband could see and feel it but shrugged it off :huh:
I went to the doctor today who said it was just a lymph node and if it's not away in 4 weeks come back for bloods... :ohmy:
That does not help!

---------- Post added at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was at 15:04 ----------

I just wanna know if anyone else has had nodes grow pretty big for no apparent reason (I’ve not been run down or anything) and how long did they last?

12-04-18, 16:39
How long has it been that way? That's probably the most important thing.
If it's been like that for weeks or months.. I'd get it looked at. Even then, it's probably just being reactive.

Mostly, swellings in the nodes are reactive. Ie, a sore tooth, throat, feeling run down.. it will do it. Sometimes they're working away and killing infections without any other symptoms! Very busy little nodes!

Touching it will make it worse, so try not to keep pushing on it.
If you're super worried, I'd get an ultrasound. I've had it done and they can quickly confirm if it's reactive or not.

Very likely nothing! Just doing its job and attacking something. :)

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---------- Post added at 01:39 ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 ----------

Oh to answer the how long.. I've had swollen nodes for a week or so for 'no reason'..

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12-04-18, 16:40

Of course! Heck, that's happened to me many, many dozens of times in my life as well as to hundreds, and hundreds here on the forum (I know, I've responded to them). It could be a myriad of simple and benign reasons. A tooth issue, a zit, an impending cold or virus, poking and prodding etc.

They typically resolve on their own and there's no need to further investigation. Once in a while it may be an infection and require antibiotics. Listen to your doctor and keep you hands off of it! :winks:

Positive thoughts

12-04-18, 16:50
It only appeared yesterday evening! I’m sure I would have noticed it before then!

I will refrain from poking and prodding and not quite plan my funeral just yet (I jest of course!)

I don’t run down, just a bit down due the anxiety feeling really.

Fingers crossed it goes away as quickly as it appeared!

12-04-18, 16:55
Very likely nothing!
Check next week. Try to push it out of your mind until then xx

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12-04-18, 17:02
I have one on the left side of my neck near the bottom that I discovered in January, had blood test and ultrasound. Blood test was fine, ultrasound confirmed it's a node and it's size, under a cm. It's soft and moves but my GP sent me to an ENT. He wasn't concerned but I'm having it rechecked in May. It's still there, still the same. Sometimes it feels less prominent though.

12-04-18, 18:42
I have one directly below it that I’ve had for about 13 years! Maybe longer! It’s nevee changed in all that time. I thought it was that one yesterday, but having a wee feel I can tell it’s separate and much bigger. X

14-04-18, 16:14
My current anxiety problem has been going on for over a year now, it all started because of the same reason, swollen gland/lymph node.

In my experience, they're quite random. I could have a horrendous cold/flu/infection and they won't even so much as budge. But this particular time it was the right side of my neck swelled up. Weird thing is, we never did find out what caused it. Minor inflammation of the tonsils was about the only thing they could attribute it to.

I spent 4 weeks working myself into a panic thinking I had lymphoma. The swelling disappeared of course, but I was already down the path to health anxiety.

Lymphoma is actually pretty rare, all things considered, so I highly doubt you've got anything to worry about. As has been said, it's more likely to be reactive than anything else, even if you otherwise feel fine.

14-04-18, 22:07
Ooh guys. I’ve found more lumps down the side of my neck. �� there’s one just above my collar bone aswell. Now that’s 3 palpable nodes on my neck and collar bone �� is this normal?!

14-04-18, 22:13
It's normal if you poke and prod to find normal palatable nodes all over your body. It's also normal to attribute normal body attributes as something potentially sinister with HA.

Positive thoughts

PS... Stop poking and prodding :winks:

14-04-18, 22:17
I totally get what you’re saying. Before I found the one sticking out the side of my neck, I was aware of my neck, in the sense that I knew what the lumps and bumps were.
This one on my collar bone is new. It was 100% not there before.
I promise I am not poking and prodding - but there’s something going on in there!

14-04-18, 22:26
I promise I am not poking and prodding

Nodes don't reach out, tap you on the collarbone and say "Here I am" :shades:

In the time you've been on the forum, have any of your fears become reality? Look... I'm tossing you some common sense reassurance here but if you're that concerned, see your doctor. I'll have the "Told ya so gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

14-04-18, 22:28
Thanks Fish lol x

16-04-18, 13:08
Fishmanpa - you wanna get the 'I told ya so' Gang rounded up :blush:

16-04-18, 13:18
Fishmanpa - you wanna get the 'I told ya so' Gang rounded up :blush:

They're gathering in the hall... what did the doctor say? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

16-04-18, 13:46
I didn’t go.... it’s went back to normal :doh:

16-04-18, 14:21

Positive thoughts