View Full Version : Anyone had glandular fever

12-04-18, 15:35
Sooo past six weeks Iv had a swollen throat four times previous with pus this time without my my glands in face neck and chest swollen ridiculously tired

I知 also ten weeks pregnant

My anxiety is ridiculous since pregnancy but I知 convinced I have glandular fever and I been getting pain in upper left tummy so now I知 convinced my swollen enlarged and going to pop I had bloods done with midwife a week ago and she said my full blood count was normal I知 on antibiotics for throat but I知 desperate to see gp but he won稚 see me twice in same week

Anyone suffered this??!

12-04-18, 15:39
I had glandular fever when i was a kid. I think if you had it you would know it. It really makes you hurt and ache all over, all my joints hurt. It was horrid.

Good luck

12-04-18, 19:12
Iv practically been stuck in house past six weeks exhausted but the sore throat comes and goes and being pregnant don’t know if the exhaustion that or this I’m terrified :(

---------- Post added at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 15:42 ----------

Can稚 settle at all all glands swollen too