View Full Version : Can I reverse bpa/plastics damage?

12-04-18, 16:29
Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I've posted..
I've woken at 1am again and can't stop obsessing over bpa.

I only recently realised defrosting my meat in the plastic container was probably really stupid due to heat transference.
I've since been transferring my meats into dishes and doing that way. Even better, doing it in the fridge overnight. I digress..

I'm 39. I'm implementing changes to the way I do things after years of silly decisions like this..

Is it possible to 'undo' these things? Or am I doomed to develop horrible illnesses :(

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12-04-18, 16:37
People have done things that way for years and have been fine. I never understood the panic over BPA. Chemicals are everywhere, in our food, water and the air we breathe.

12-04-18, 16:40
Do you have any idea how much crap you come into contact with on a daily basis, that would be considered carcinogenic, without even knowing? It’s everywhere in modern society, air, water, food, etc, etc.
You do your best to avoid toxins and be healthy, but you will drive yourself absolutely insane obsessing over every little thing. As far as the your specific concern, I’m sure you’re fine. You haven’t done anything that millions of others in the world haven’t done themselves. Do whatever makes you feel better going forward and there’s no point in worrying about the past.

12-04-18, 16:46
Thank you for replying so quickly. :)

I'm trying to look forward and just make a difference where I can, now..

I can't help but look back sometimes and shudder... doesn't help that my little 1 year old is sleeping right near me. I worry about being there for them.

I have been great with my HA.. running, eating right, sleeping. Just having a moment! [emoji21]

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