View Full Version : Oral cancer.. in a tailspin over husband

12-04-18, 20:09
Hi everyone hoping to get some reassurance or statistics as I know a lot of you have a history dealing with or looking up oral cancers and I cannot go down that rabbit hole. I’m seven months pregnant and I know my anxiety is off the charts right now

Anyhow my husband is 36 and actually has a history of chewing tobacco since he was 18. He’s quit thankfully within the last six or seven months.. and as far as I know hasn’t relapsed. I got really triggered because someone I know has been re diagnosed with jaw cancer and I know it’s my anxiety telling me to freak out but I’m freaked out. My husband has had regular cleanings as recently as six months ago but I’m still so terrified he’s going to develop or currently developing something. Can anyone shed some light statistically on this fear? I know I shouldn’t be seeking reassurance but I really don’t want to go in a spiral.

12-04-18, 20:28
I think with the clenains he is having, his dentist will spot something if he develop something later in his life in the early stages.

12-04-18, 20:59
You can’t worry about the possibility of oral cancer without any evidence to support that - it just isn’t rational. You could apply that thinking to every possible condition.
Are you getting help for your anxiety? I would strongly encourage you to focus on sorting it as it as best you can before baby arrives & you have crazy hormones & sleeplessness to content with as well.

12-04-18, 21:14
You can’t worry about the possibility of oral cancer without any evidence to support that - it just isn’t rational. You could apply that thinking to every possible condition.
Are you getting help for your anxiety? I would strongly encourage you to focus on sorting it as it as best you can before baby arrives & you have crazy hormones & sleeplessness to content with as well.

Spot on! I'm an oral cancer survivor and was a smoker most of my life. And while smoking could have certainly played a part (it was with my heart issues), my cancer was actually caused by the HPV virus... go figure :shrug:

Positive thoughts

12-04-18, 21:54
Spot on! I'm an oral cancer survivor and was a smoker most of my life. And while smoking could have certainly played a part (it was with my heart issues), my cancer was actually caused by the HPV virus... go figure :shrug:

Positive thoughts

Unfortunately I do always test positive for hpv16 which is the one linked to oral cancer. Little tmi but I’m so paranoid I have not allowed my husband to “take care of business” so to speak. In a long time. How old were you at your diagnosis fishman?