View Full Version : Hi im new here please help

16-12-04, 13:22
hi guys,

I'm 27 from dublin and suffer with Health anxiety. I go to councelling once a month but feel i might need some meds to keep me going.

I've hit a low patch at the moment and everyday i worry about getting sick or getting tests and especially now Xmas is around the corner i'm more anxious.

I worked myself up so much not to be sick this Xmas that i've made myself sick now.

I ran to doctor last week for flu jab and the next day a severe Headcold hit me.

I knew something had been lingering but didn't think i'd be this bad.

I took some decongestants and it helped a bit with the runny nose and sneezing.

Now what is scaring me is that 7 days later i still have stuffy congested nose. I have phlegm in back of throat too that causes blockage in my windpipe sometimes too causing me to panic in fear i'll stop breathing.

I@m scared i don't want to die at 27 or be sick for xmas

When i blow my nose bloodclots and tiny blood vessels appear along with some thick clear/Greeny mucus.

I have had it on and off for 7 days now i could live with blocked nose but the scary thing is when the phlegm gets lodged in back of throat and causes me to have difficulty breathing does anyone understand???

16-12-04, 13:43
Hi Layk

Christmas can be a stressful time for a lot of people, I know I've struggled at previous Christmases, and there are no doubt others here that will tell you the same.

Breathing difficulties are a common symptom of anxiety too, but not dangerous at all. I think that sounds like what you are suffering from, I think the cold you have probably just adds to the worries that were already there. Maybe I'm strange, but I've never had some of these common symptoms like breathing difficulties. I've been on this site a couple of years now though, and can tell you that it's very common to have these worries. I'm sure someone else will post and tell you of their experiences. It isn't dangerous at all, you'll probably find that your cold clears up a little in the next couple of days, but even if it doesn't it isn't that unusual for a bad cold to linger for a while. Even so, it's most likely that it will be gone for Christmas.

Welcome to the site, I'm sure you'll get more articulated advice than what I can give you here :D.


16-12-04, 14:02
Hi layk, Welcome to the site and hope u get plenty of help here. Yes I understand fully I am exactly the same always fully convinced I have something bad wrong with me. And when I get it in my head I am OK I get another symptom and think this time it is a bad illness. For two years I suffered real bad tummy problems and was passing blood also, the Doc sent me for a blood test that showed high calcium levels and she said sometimes cancer can cause high calcium and referred me to a gastro specialist, where sent me for some tests (blood tests, chest x-ray, barium enema and a sigmoidoscopy), from being referred to getting the end result took nearly 2 years of investigation. This made me really ill with more anxiety and was really really scared of going for each of the tests as some where unpleasant. Anyway at the end they said my colon was fine I only have IBS and the internal camera found nothing wrong, as for the high calcium in the blood was a misreading by my GP. So I went through 2 years of hell when I should have relaxed more as there wasn’t really anything bad wrong. I looked up the symptoms on the net also which scared me more and diagnosed everything wrong. So don’t trust reading on the net. Any way after the news I felt really good and lifted, my tummy pains seemed to clear up and the bleeding stopped (it was only piles from the runs I had) all caused by anxiety and worry. Now this has all finished I was getting real breathless and bad chest pains, got real worried and returned to doctor, she said chest sounded fine and lungs and heart was ok as the chest x-ray I had was clear. So I got determined to try and think and do more relaxation and find I am calming down much more now. But I still get bad days and not always able to cope, but the bad times are now happening less often. I know its so hard but try and relax and ignore these symptoms as the worry only makes things worst? If u ever feel like a chat about things why not pop into our chat room? People are usually in there after about 8 30pm each night and u would be made welcome and are surprised how many people suffer the same. Anyway hope this helped you a little and take care. Vernon

16-12-04, 14:39
Hi there,
Firstly, welcome to the boards! I've found this site a great help, so I'm sure you will too.

I have had problems with breathlessness. At first I convinced myself I was having a bad reaction to some medication I'd just started taking. But it was just my constant worrying that was making it worse, in turn causing me to have a panic attack as I thought I would suffocate.

I didn't however, I'm still here.:D
I think by the sounds of things, your anxiety has been heightened due to the fact you've got a cold. It's hard to breathe when you've got a cold anyway, so to suffer with anxiety alongside, you are bound to react irrationally to it. That is until you learn to tell yourself that it is an irrational fear.
Your nose bleeding is just tiny bloodvessels that burst when we blow our nose, everybody gets it. Its just a strain on the poor old nose with all that sniffing and blowing when you're flu-ed up. It really isn't anything to worry about.
The phlegm is part and parcel of the cold. And it is horrible when its in your throat I know, like its obstructing your airway. But it is 'just a cold'.
It's just trying to convince your brain that! I know it takes mine some convincing!
Just keep taking your decongestants, and I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon. Also, just a suggestion, why not talk to your doctor about how you feel when you get ill? I know it isn't nice to be so anxious all the time, positively exhausting. Maybe your doc can give you a little something to relax? Just a thought.

Hope you're feeling better soon.x

16-12-04, 14:58
Welcome to the site!! I'm sure you will receive loads of support here.

Sarah :D

16-12-04, 22:04
Hi layk

Welcome to the site. Christmas is a stressful time of year for a lot of people and can be a time when people struggle.

Having a bad cold can have an effect on anxiety because of the effects on breathing etc. I'm sure it will be a lot better by Christmas.

You will find there are a lot of supportive people here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-12-04, 13:17
Hi Layk

Welcome to the site

There are lots of nice people here
who will give you help and support.


All problems have a begining and an end!

22-12-04, 13:34
Join the club mate :(

I have the phlegm thing in back of throat too. Horrible isn't it.

I'm one of those people who always seem to be struck down with something. Especially at Christmas. If it is not a cold, it is a tummy ache, a migrane headache, toothache ....

I think because it is the christmas period you tend to notice these things more. Not to mention the fact that doctors and chemists are shut!

As a good friend once said to me - "The average cold lasts 14 days whether to take medication for it or not."

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'