View Full Version : need advice on pvcs

13-04-18, 04:28
hello everyone. sorry for the long post. so i was having a ton of pvcs a couple weeks ago. you see they where every cpuple or so beats. nonstop. it started at like 12 am and i tried sleeping but went to the er at 4. yhey did and ecg or ekg and did a blood count. the nurse or there said my ecg was fine. i said that im feeling these skipped beats. so he looked at my heart monitor and saw one. he said thats a pvc. he kept me on the monitor until the blood count was done. well he came back and said the blood count was fine and the pvcs are nothing to worry about. he sent me home and i was still feeling them. well i fealt them when i woke up. so i went to a different er and i emailed my electrophysiologist. they said since i had a blood count done about 12 or so hours before that it wasnt necessary. she said that these pvcs are just a nuisance and to ignore them. she said my electrophysiologist prescribed me metaprolol for the pvcs. ive been taking them for about 2 weeks and i havent fealt as many. now i feel a couple throughout the day daily and i feel them mostly at night qnd in the morning. this is daily. which has never happend. usually the pvcs would come for a couple days than leave. but these arent. these wont stop. i think im getting around 30 to 50 daily every day for 2 weeks now. and it wont stop. my question is. are these going to weaken or damage my heart over time? and should i ignore these pvcs. ive been told by 2 nurses at two ers and my electrophysiologist's nurse and my electrophysiologist himself that im ok. i still feel i shouldnt be getting these daily. should i stop worrying? im 19 years old btw.