View Full Version : This may reassure someone: my anxiety symptoms

13-04-18, 09:12
Hi all

I don't normally divulge an awful of what I'm going through, but thought that if I posted my anxiety symptoms someone may get some comfort from seeing they are experiencing the same or similar:

This all took place over a 2 week period, with a gradual increase in severity.

My current attack - which is a doozy so far - really got a grip on me about two weeks or so ago, after doing the stupid thing of Googling something I experienced (this 'something' also induced a panic attack (uncontrollable shaking/dry mouth/nausea/'lump in throat')): I highly recommend NOT Googling your symptoms - it only makes it worse and gives your mind ammunition to use against you.

From the moment I Googled, my anxiety steadily increased.
The same thoughts/phrases/song lyrics kept being repeated over and over, again and again. I couldn't (and still can't to an extent) stop repeating what Google said was wrong with me.

I started to withdraw into myself, and became less and less sociable towards my family; became quieter. Headaches began (initially being my eyes, but they would move to the side/back of my head too)...and the neck pain/stiffness.

Then came the weakness in the legs and - more noticeably - arms. I began to feel (and still do) like I have been lying on my arm and it's slightly going numb, distant. I became aware of my hand/fingers 'not working' properly, and now every time I use my arms I pay attention to the fact they don't feel right.

I keep thinking my mouth/side of face is going numb/weak, and have to look in the mirror to reassure myself it hasn't slipped/dropped.

I began to worry about going to sleep, scared that something will happen and I don't wake up. All the while the same phrases and words kept repeating in my head.

I became fatigued - still am - and want to curl up on the sofa and go to sleep more or less as soon as I've woken up, and can't be bothered to d anything other than sit on the sofa; even getting up to get a drink is an effort.
I clench my jaw/teeth which I do without knowing it, until I pay attention.

If I remember anything else I'll update this post, but feel free to reply with your own bits and pieces.


13-04-18, 11:36
Hi all

I don't normally divulge an awful of what I'm going through, but thought that if I posted my anxiety symptoms someone may get some comfort from seeing they are experiencing the same or similar:

This all took place over a 2 week period, with a gradual increase in severity.

My current attack - which is a doozy so far - really got a grip on me about two weeks or so ago, after doing the stupid thing of Googling something I experienced (this 'something' also induced a panic attack (uncontrollable shaking/dry mouth/nausea/'lump in throat')): I highly recommend NOT Googling your symptoms - it only makes it worse and gives your mind ammunition to use against you.

From the moment I Googled, my anxiety steadily increased.
The same thoughts/phrases/song lyrics kept being repeated over and over, again and again. I couldn't (and still can't to an extent) stop repeating what Google said was wrong with me.

I started to withdraw into myself, and became less and less sociable towards my family; became quieter. Headaches began (initially being my eyes, but they would move to the side/back of my head too)...and the neck pain/stiffness.

Then came the weakness in the legs and - more noticeably - arms. I began to feel (and still do) like I have been lying on my arm and it's slightly going numb, distant. I became aware of my hand/fingers 'not working' properly, and now every time I use my arms I pay attention to the fact they don't feel right.

I keep thinking my mouth/side of face is going numb/weak, and have to look in the mirror to reassure myself it hasn't slipped/dropped.

I began to worry about going to sleep, scared that something will happen and I don't wake up. All the while the same phrases and words kept repeating in my head.

I became fatigued - still am - and want to curl up on the sofa and go to sleep more or less as soon as I've woken up, and can't be bothered to d anything other than sit on the sofa; even getting up to get a drink is an effort.
I clench my jaw/teeth which I do without knowing it, until I pay attention.

If I remember anything else I'll update this post, but feel free to reply with your own bits and pieces.

GhostyI can relate to this. Mine started about a year ago. At the moment I have back and chest pain and also when I sit I feel like my hamstrings and calfs are full of lactic acid but no pain, which kinda dissappears when I walk. Seems the more I focus on it the more it comes. The mind is a funny thing and takes over sometimes.

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13-04-18, 11:44
Hi Mtsparky

Yes the mind is a real git sometimes and it's amazing how quickly it gets out of control.

All the best