View Full Version : drug abuse causing attacks?

16-07-07, 13:00
:shrug: My names Chris and I began getting panic attacks after abusing cocaine. I've been a regular drug user of many different substances, even incorporating them into my spiritual beliefs (cannabis, ecstacy, LSD), especially hallucinogens. I've always prided myself on exploring the subject before taking the substance, and this became a pitfall waiting to happen.
I am not addicted to anything other than nicotine, although mentally I am addicted to the ability to change my own moods to suit the occasion. I mistakenly did no research on coke and lumped it in with amphetamines, mentally thinking of it as "posh" speed. It was a bit of a wake-up call when I began to fall into habitual use. I began to buy large quantities because the quality was better, I was sick of being ripped off by "friends", and it was cheaper. I was unable to stop taking the stuff til every last bit was gone.
I knew I was addicted but didnt know why I was taking it. This all happened in the space of 6 months. All I got was a slight high followed by major paranoia about every flutter and pain in my chest. Basically the high for me was waiting for the heart attack, something I sat in fear of.
I tried to get clean, but a close friend was stabbed outside his home by some idiot teenagers, and this gave me an excuse to go back on it for a weekend or two. This culminated in me admitting myself to hospital with panic attack symptoms.
I've been clean for almost a month now, and I refuse to go back to that. However my whole life has changed because I'm haunted by the fear of a heart attack. I admitted myself to hospital again this weekend after lifting something gave me a sharp shooting pain across my chest and set off another panic attack. It happened pushing something last wednesday too, something light.
I work in a manufacturing plant and Im the main software developer in charge of so many things it makes me dizzy thinking about it. The plant is constantly losing staff to ill-health and head office just want less and less heads in the place. This all directly effects what I am involved in, which at the moment is everything.
I am currently doing an Open University course, writing a book on religion, playing an online game which is extremely addictive, getting my daughter twice a week, and learning 2 new computer languages.
My chest pains are pretty much constant, sharp pains, aches, watery feeling, hot and prickly feelings, feeling of sweating galss, left side, right side, centre. The nurse in casualty said I had vague symptoms and to go relax. I need help understanding whats going on, if its really a chest pain or an anxiety problem.

16-07-07, 13:21
Hi, I believe you are showing classic symptoms of anxiety. The drug abuse can certainly start all this off. Most men feel chest pain for some reason and think heart attack. It is not an easy illness, but you can defeat it, or at worst 'manage' it.
I have lost too many friends to drugs, over 40 years. Don't be another statistic.
You need a good GP to start with.
You need to tell him/her the whole truth.
You really do have to keep off booze and drugs, no cannibis even. If you are not careful you can become extrememly ill.
You are in control of your life, it is your choice, you can be a winner or a loser. (perhaps happy in between)
There are lots of people here who can help. None of us want to see people go through panic attacks etc: but you have to help yourself too.
I could scare you half to death if you want, but it's not really the way to do this, you need to do it because you want it.
You only get one life, why not really enjoy it, the natural way?
Love to you and good luck,


16-07-07, 14:48
Hi Chris,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

16-07-07, 15:26
Hi Chris

Just wanted to say hello and welcome you to the site, i hope we can of some help.:)


17-07-07, 09:02
Hello Chris :welcome:to you!

Good move coming off the drugs - and I admire your determination to stay off.

You'll get lots of support here to help you I'm sure.

Such a lot going on in your life I'm not surprised you have anx symptoms - but you're among friends here....

Pleased to meet you!


17-07-07, 19:47
Hi Chris

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and you will get loads of support and advice on here.

18-07-07, 02:46
hi chris,sounds like your on the right path by giving it up ......yes when we do coke at the time of doing it ya want mor more and more till its gone....been there...stopped all that yrs ago and stopped drinking 14 yrs it will give you flutters like carol says ive loss many from drugs and the booze also,not worth it ...first and for most ya need a check up..just to get yaself all checked and see whats going on if they say your fine sounds like you are having spats of anxiety..im not a professional just from experience....enjoy your writing your daughter and im sure this will all pass for you....i wish ya the best...Linda

18-07-07, 10:58
Went to the doctors and after checking my symptoms and actually listening to what I was saying, he thinks I have inflamation of the cartilage on my ribcage. This may be causing a variety of feelings which I've been interpreting as heart trouble due to family history and my own personal demons.

The anxiety has been real though, and I now have a much deeper understanding of how this problem effects people and for that I'm grateful. But I'll not get too hopeful yet as the stress may be a factor.