View Full Version : Didn't sleep last night, muscle spasms in leg...

13-04-18, 12:36
Whenever I am resting or sitting down, I have this weird bubbling sensation in my right leg. The muscle is actually twitching rapidly, I can feel it moving. I'm now convinced I have DVT and can't shake it, and now I'm worried sick and shaky. Is this normal?

14-04-18, 09:32
I get these in both legs at times also happens all over though they feel more like a traditional twitch. At the moment my fingers twitch as well and that freaks me out.

I have seen GP had test done, diagnosed myself with MND, MS, and Parkinson's but been diagnosed with anxiety by my GP.

Are you feeling stressed? Mine started when I was really stressed.

14-04-18, 17:47
I get these too, please try not to worry! I can relate to that 'bubbling' feeling, I always think I'm feeling the pulse in the back of my knees doing something weird.

Everything twitches for me, and my legs are especially bad - I'm always either sitting or lying down, so I get worried about DVT too. I honestly don't know how effective it is, but every once in a while, I'll get up and do some running/jumping on the spot for a minute, or stand up to use my computer for a good while.

14-04-18, 17:53
The spasms you're feeling are probably due to a couple reasons, all of them anxiety related.

1. Adrenaline released into your system will cause muscle twitches, more so if you're in a constant state of high tension. The adrenaline will constantly be circulating your system and it's very stimulating to your muscles for obvious reasons. Which leads to the second reason.

2. The combination of adrenaline stimulation and tension will eventually tire your muscles out to the point where they will twitch and spasm, it's basically their way of telling you that they're tired and can't maintain the hard tension being placed on them. It's in no way dangerous but it is uncomfortable.

My chest wall and ribs experience spasms like this every day as a result of me constantly hyperventilating. You'll be fine, your body is just physically responding to your anxiety.

14-04-18, 20:07
I get this feeling too. It can definitely be related to anxiety or an over-stimulated nervous system, from what I've read elsewhere on this website. It's very common. :)

Catherine S
15-04-18, 00:42
I was watching a documentary just the other night about this kind of symptom and it was explained as 'Restless leg Syndrome'. Do you think it could be this?

15-04-18, 05:21
I was watching a documentary just the other night about this kind of symptom and it was explained as 'Restless leg Syndrome'. Do you think it could be this?

I have restless leg syndrome as a side effect from treatment. It's not like the OP describes. How can I put this?... sometimes my shin area feels like it's crawling with bugs. If I sit still it drives me mad but if I move my lower legs around, flexing the muscles and rotating my feet around etc., it relieves it. That's what the "restless" part is. I take Gabapentin which does help with that as well as the neuropathy.

I also get twitches and such but I know it's nerve related and not being a sufferer, it's nothing of concern. It is however a PITA!

This situation does sound like it's anxiety related. Nerves firing off in response to stress. Again, not pleasant, but certainly not sinister.

Positive thoughts

17-04-18, 17:27
Thanks for all your help guys- I have been quite stressed recently, as well as sleep deprived. I'll keep you updated, I'm seeing the GP about shaking anyway so I should be OK.