View Full Version : Blood Iron Level

13-04-18, 13:57
So, I'm on the edge of the health anxiety volcano once more and here's why (Please tell me if i'm being an irrational mess).

I'm a regular blood donor, and last donated 12 weeks ago, which was my 34th time in 16 years and my 6th in the last two years. All was fine, the donation went off to someone that needs it.

My latest appointment was this Tuesday, and they wouldn't take my blood this time as my iron levels were not at the level they need. My level was 11.9 which apparently is 0.6 below normal for a man. They didn't really say much but said it could be diet or perhaps being run down due to the weather and the viruses that have been knocking about. This has happened once before, about 8/9 years ago - I clearly remember not worrying overly about it too.

I don't eat a lot of dark green leafy things like Spinach and I don't have a great deal of red meat. I also don't think I really ever reach my daily calorie quota when it comes to eating in general. I drink tea all day, which I've known for ages, hampers the absorption of nutrients etc... I've had a bout of the nasty virus since my last donation and I'm pretty much surrounded by people with bugs and viruses at work and recently at home etc...

The paragraph above is me applying logic. However, I'm allowing myself to catastrophize the issue and the unwanted "What if" thoughts are getting louder. "what if it's this... what if it's that..." :doh:
I'm fighting the ridiculous urge to speak to Dr. Google which I know would melt my mind.

I went to my in-laws yesterday and we were generally chatting and my low iron was mentioned, and my father in law kind of made a deal out of it. With jokey comments like "Pauls Anaemic!" and "Paul needs some Liver in him" and "that's not good is it" etc... Jokey comments to normal people I'm sure.

It's kind of silly really. :wacko:

I've started taking Iron and Vit C supplement every morning and will work to add other foods to my diet. Has anyone had any similar issues and is anyone willing to say "PAUL, STOP OVERTHINKING THINGS ALL THE TIME YOU PLONKA!"

Thanks for reading.