View Full Version : Anyone Else Suffer From Flushing / Blushing

16-07-07, 15:51
My doctor always said it was linked to my anxiety but im more or less 99% anxiety free now thanks to Lucinda Bassett but the flushing blushing still continues.

It is totally random, unlike some who flush/blush when embarassed mine comes on when it feels like it and my entire face goes red like a tomato not just my cheeks,

Its always worse in the Summer as the slightest bit of heat sets it of, I mean you can feel the burning in your face and it is so embarrasing

16-07-07, 22:21
Hi samtheman

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I know how you feel, I blush all of the time, sometime I blush so much it feels like sunburn(if you see what I mean). I really hate it because it makes people look at you more, because your face etc has gone bright red.

If I eat spicy food, if I drink alcohol,if I am embarrassed or because I am really hot I go bright red.

I thought I would let you know that you are not the only one out there. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: .


16-07-07, 23:04
Hi there,

Yep me to, its been happening for years.....its a nightmare.

Shaz x

17-07-07, 07:43
Me too Sam!

Are you fair skinned as it is more likely to happen to fair skinned people.

I really don't worry about it. I have found that by accepting it is how I am has reduced it. Sometimes I make a joke of it and say something daft about it.
You will be noticing it more than others
:blush: (I just thought this was an appropriate smilie!)

17-07-07, 07:48
Yeah I am fair skinned. It more of a pain at work, work colleagues say to me. "Where you away on holiday" the red face looks like sunburn

17-07-07, 09:57

I get flushing and blushing too. I am a redhead and very fair skinned so i suppose it is part of my colouring. I am trying to live with it, but its not easy though. It feels so uncomfortable, like sunburn.


17-07-07, 13:19
I have had this for years and finally got diagnosed with roascea (I think thats how you spell it) I am now on long term anti-biotics which helps a lot although in hot situations my skin still goes red. I was very lucky because my GP at the time specialised in dermatology:D and as soon as I walked in he knew what was wrong. I am not saying everyone on this thread has this condition but it may be a good thing to get it checked out.:)

17-07-07, 19:32
You may like to look at the condition called Rosacea. It is responsible for my condition.

I just have to eliminate alcohol, spicy foods and anything nice.

I have since learned to accept the condition.

I read recently that someone had an operation on the base of the spine that removed all blushing signs.

Good luck


18-07-07, 23:30
Hi everyone,

Im am so sick of the blushing, I am also fair skinned and what I hate most is when someone at work comes to speak to me and Im sitting with people and I just go redder and redder. It drives me demented.

Muck you mention an operation at the bottom of the spine, mind you I suppose that its a bit drastic, I asked the doctor about the operation that cuts the nerve to my face but he said not and the many people have this problem and its just who I am.

Anyone else got any ideas????

Shaz x x

23-07-07, 23:11
Hi Shaz, I agree an operation is very drastic and the reason why the Dr was unwilling to consider. Reading in the boots magazine there was some eucerin cream advertised, for red faces ! I can't track it down at Boots yet they tell me its new. Have you tried it? if you see it let me know? I need it too.


24-07-07, 00:17
Hi folks,

No mucky I havent heard of it, however if anyone else knows about it please let us know!!!!!!!

Shaz x

24-07-07, 07:50
Shaz, if you get the chance, nip into boots and get a copy of their latest magazine, there is an ad in there for it.

Good Luck


27-07-07, 10:27
I bought the eucerin cream from boots yesterday, its not cheap but Im going to give it a try.

There is a night cream and a day cream, the night cream moisturises and helps to change the skin pigment over a period of time.

The day cream is a green colour and really shrouds the redness, I have to say the first time I used it today it was quite good, the redness appears to be reduced quite a bit. I will keep on using it and see what happens.

It may be worth a try but it is about £19 each a bottle and only available from large main Boots shops. I will let you know how it goes.

