View Full Version : Switch from 40mg citalopram to 37.5 venlafaxine

14-04-18, 01:52

I started citalopram on January 28, 2017 at 10 mg after going to the ER twice for panic attacks and depression. In the end of March 2017, I moved up to 20 mg. In October 2017, I moved up to 40 mg after feeling depressed, suffering panic attacks and feeling dissociated. I felt better until this month. Now I am tired everyday, my head is cloudy, my feelings are nonexistent, my social anxiety is heightened, and I have been depressed for a week straight, enough that I stayed home from work because I couldn't get out of bed.
I requested an appointment with my doctor to discuss my antidepressant. Before we could meet he sent venlafaxine into the pharmacy for me.
The pharmacist told me that he thinks that my doctor sent it in because I bumped up three times in a year and I'm still feeling depressed.
I am planning on meeting with my GP next week to discuss how to switch because some recommend a sudden switch and some recommend a taper so I guess I am asking more about what to expect with the venlafaxine.

How did it compare to citalopram if you switched or are switching?
Did venlafaxine help your depression and your anxiety?
Side effects? Sexual side effects?
Would you recommend venlafaxine?

14-04-18, 08:14
Even though I've never been on Citalopram, I have switched from Escitalopram to Venlafaxine, so I thought I'd reply.

Venlafaxine, in my opinion, is a better medication than Escitalopram and it has helped reduce my depersonalisation symptoms, which Escitalopram wasn't really doing.
I had zero issues switching, I've never had any side effects, sexual or otherwise.

I'd recommend Venlafaxine. :)