View Full Version : terrified of retinal detachment!!!

14-04-18, 13:22
i'm 22 years old and i have high myopia.. around -6.00 in the right eye and -5.00 in the left..i know im at higher risk of getting retinal detachment and i'm so scared... what are the chances??? i don't want to go blind :'(

14-04-18, 13:32
That's a question for an eye professional :shrug:

Positive thoughts

14-04-18, 14:50
My mom recently had to be checked for this, because she now has a slightly higher risk of it happening too. The nice thing about retinal detachment questions is that you don't have to wait long for an answer. An optometrist or other doctor will want to see you right away, and will be able to tell you one way or another what's going on. It's always recommended to see a professional right away for this concern, and they'll take care of you quickly.