View Full Version : Reason to worry or just anixety

15-04-18, 18:09
So exhausted,

So a few months ago I had serious issues with getting pain in my upper stomach area under my chest. Mainly on the right side but it could spread over. The doctor never spreader med that worried and put me on anit acid and said basically she thought I had a batieral issues which was true. It been grand for a few weeks but it's back again and I can't stop worrying they missed something deadly. I had a CT scan on my kidneys last Wednesday and the worry about this has caused pains in my back. Like surely from all the tests if there was something wrong they would have seen it's?

There had been a list of never ending issues since July last year. Like as soon as I have something done anything happens. I've had as number of scans and tests done, it has come back clear from any serious issues but my body doesn't seem to agree. Like for example I had tests for me heart yet I still get chest pains? But everything was fine? Like if I was to write a list of everything I think/thought was wrong with me it would be a world record.

Is it that health anixety is over taking everything? That a CT scan and many other tests I've had would have seen something? Like they wouldn't let me wait to come back in a few weeks time for my appointment if there was something serious in any area? Sorry for rambling it's just I can't talk to anyone in real life and I need to vent.

16-04-18, 13:55
So firstly, I'm not a doctor so I can't comment on anything with any qualification but it it helps I had a lot of indigestion in the last few months which could cause a really quite alarming burning in my upper stomach area which can be very uncomfortable and concerning. Note I'm not saying you have indigestion just that mine really did give me a lot of pain and in the same areas.

Cut a long story short since I've been avoiding what and gluten stuff the last couple of weeks its really improved.I'm not sure if this is close to what you have but it might be worth looking into trying to avoid wheat and gluten for a short while. Of course do please check this with your GP first to make sure its ok for you