View Full Version : Anxiety & Panic over new job

MJS Sheff
15-04-18, 19:33
First time post here.

Been suffering of late with different degrees of anxiety and worry over a whole host of things and a number around work.

I have recently been successful at an interview for a new job. Increased salary, higher profile and 6 miles from home as opposed to 30. Ticks all the boxes especially as not happy in my current role and dread going some days. Everyone I have spoken to says it is the right move.

However now I have accepted and handed my notice in after 15 years at my previous employer now wracked with self doubt, sorry and anxiety as to whether the right thing.

Is this a common reaction and any advice would be invaluable.

15-04-18, 20:41
Hi there, it is completely understandable and normal that you are anxious. You have been in the same environment for 15 years in your current job and it's a big change. I genuinely believe that anybody in the same situation would feel the same. Try to focus on all the positive aspects of your new job and not dwell on the change and all the what if's. Be proud of yourself for making the jump and getting a better job, try to see it as as the positive step it is and don't let your worries build up. Good luck ☺

15-04-18, 21:47
Hey OP, I've been there, got the t-shirt and am now (at work at least) all the better for it. I changed jobs like this about 4 years ago now. For the first 3 months had serious impostor syndrome but now a few years on its all good and I have to say it's the best career move I ever made.

Remember, if a company makes an investment in you, not just with the job offer but also the time it takes to interview you and process your application they see something in your thats worthwhile and that should help to give you some confidence!

Good luck and enjoy your new job! :)

MJS Sheff
15-04-18, 22:21
Hey OP, I've been there, got the t-shirt and am now (at work at least) all the better for it. I changed jobs like this about 4 years ago now. For the first 3 months had serious impostor syndrome but now a few years on its all good and I have to say it's the best career move I ever made.

Remember, if a company makes an investment in you, not just with the job offer but also the time it takes to interview you and process your application they see something in your thats worthwhile and that should help to give you some confidence!

Good luck and enjoy your new job! :)

Thanks for your kind words. It has all happened so quickly and after the initial period of being happy -about 2 days self doubt is now there.

My new company have even invited me to a training course for 3 days ahead of my start so that bodes well.

Hope I am of the same mindset as yourself in a few years time and thanks again.

16-04-18, 08:27
Hope I am of the same mindset as yourself in a few years time and thanks again.

I used to have a super-hard job years ago, I'd basically end up at work late with no-one else, had to get the job done by hook or by crook usually late on a Sunday night / Early hours Monday ready for production on Monday morning. (Commissioning & Debugging automation systems usually in car plants). It ended up giving me depression and tons of anxiety. At the time someone said to me "one day you'll look back on all this and laugh". I actually made a sticker and put it onto the keyboard on my laptop, such a small thing but it really helped me see the funny side of things.

Humour is a massively powerful tool, you CAN do this, you got selected for this job for a reason so chuck yourself into it, but remember to make time for eating well, sleeping well and relaxing. Meditation helped me a ton in my current job at the start as it was very complex to learn the theory at the beginning.

Good luck!