View Full Version : Driving Lessons

15-04-18, 23:22
My driving lessons are causing me so much grief at the moment and I really don't know what to do :(

I've been learning to drive since October, yet everytime I get in the car, my panic sets in and I forget all the basics (clutch control, observations, etc) and it all goes very pear-shaped very quickly. There has been three occasions where I've nearly had a full blown panic attack while driving; the only thing keeping me calm was the thought that there was only 15 minutes left of the lesson!

I would quit and take a break from learning, but my family have put so much money into my lessons. I'm terrified of the guilt of quitting, but I'm terrified of the thought of continuing! It's at the point now where I get no sleep the night before lessons. I'm always going over driving procedures in my head, but I'm constantly hoping my instructor will cancel the lesson.

Does anyone have any advice as to what I can do to help myself keep calm at the thought of driving lessons?

19-04-18, 04:33
First, make sure you let your instructor know what you go through. Explain to them that you have panic and anxiety issues and that sometimes driving brings them to the surface. Once you know they know, it will alleviate one worry from your mind and will make you feel safer.

19-04-18, 14:19
unfortunately I don't have any advice but just wanted to let you know I'm going through driving lessons at the mo too and really finding it difficult!
It's such a hard skill to learn and honestly I just want to give up! But I'm really trying to push through.
Best wishes