View Full Version : Muscle spasms / vibrations

16-04-18, 01:03
Im seeing a neuro 1st may and I'm really worried
I've always had on and off muscle spasms but the last few months I've had really strong ones all over especially in my knee and legs,they now even spasms while standing I'm so worried and don't really know what to expect from my appointment has anyone got any positive insight

16-04-18, 05:19
Almost all cases of muscle twitching and spasms are benign and are a result of either a nutritional imbalance or a functional (benign) neurological disorder in which the body expresses prolonged stress and anxiety in physical symptoms. Even the majority of neurologists who visit neurologists for the same symptoms get diagnosed with "benign fasciculations."

It is extremely rare that it were to be anything else more severe.

I have crazy twitches among other things. My calves, hamstrings, quads, arms, legs, face, tongue, jaw, and eye lids twitch pretty much 24/7 and usually over 100 times a minute. I have a clean bill of health according to the doctors. I've had this for 6 years. Don't get freaked out by the internet. Some people lose big chunks of their lives trying to figure this out.

17-04-18, 01:16
ive come to the conclusion that twitching is a stress thing also, but what worries me are the twitches that come with pains or feeling weak. Like maybe my calf will twitch, then suddenly it starts to be painful or feel weak. Or the finger twitches that move by themselves. Even the prolonged twitches that never go away in the same spot, those worry me too.

14-05-18, 00:57
Thankyou both
I'm still suffering all day today I've had them in my legs, arms, under my feet, back,lip,finger,face,stomach ect you name it constant even laid in the bath it's so towering because I try to ignore but it's too persistent