View Full Version : Hi I'm Diana

16-04-18, 02:11
Hi. I'm Diana. And I'm having panic throughout the day and night, only sleeping a few hours each night. Can't work or function very well. Life has been pretty tough lately.

I'm on some supplements and medications, including L-Theanine, which seems to be helping, Cortisol Manager (which I'm not sure if it's helping), Kavinase and Kavinase ultra pm (I think those are helping) and Buspar for anxiety. I also take 5 mg Ambien, which I think isn't working anymore, though it did for a couple weeks.

I had a number of big life changes last year, including a break up of a long term relationship, and I think I've been on a collision course for a while but things just got bad for me around the end of February.

Thanks for reading!

16-04-18, 02:17
Hiya dianatoad and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

23-04-18, 14:23
Good morning Dianatoad.

While I'm not familiar with some of your medications, I do currently take Buspar 10mg, 3 times a day and Fluoxetine 40mg one a day. But I certainly understand where you are coming from. When the panic attacks started, I couldn't get out of bed. I slept only in small pieces and basically kept my head under the covers. It was the most helpless I had ever been.

I wish I had a magic cure to give you. It takes time. Panic it seems once the switch is flipped, sure doesn't like to go off. My suggestion would be to use cognitive therapy as well as medication. Use this forum to express those feelings of fear and worry. I've found in my 20 year experience with PD and GAD, that talking it out helps and this is a great place to do that.

Dianatoad don't give up, it can get better if you work. Love yourself. Let go of the fear. Remember panic attacks will pass. I'm sorry to see this happen to another person, take care of yourself on this journey.

23-04-18, 15:14
Hi Diana,

Welcome to NMP. I'm never sure what else to say in these introduction sections - so I'll say 'see you around, and I hope you have a helpful informative time here'. :D