View Full Version : Foam / Bubbles in Urine Normal?

16-04-18, 05:46
Hi everyone. Recently i have been noticing bubbles and foams in my urine out of no where. I am 25, healthy, no known chronic diseases whatsoever, not really active but i eat healthy and im not obese.

I have been noticing bubbles in my urine quite recently. I only "noticed" but it could have been happening a long time ago just that i dont really bothered to take note of it but right now its really taking a toll on me mentally.

Ive seen symptoms of kidney disease and i dont have any of those symptoms.

The funny thing is, bubbles in my urine only happens at home. For some weird reason the chlorine level on my estate water tank is very high (i can literally taste it when drinking tap water) but when im away from home like at my friend's or relative house, my urine is perfectly normal. No matter how hard i sprayed my urine into the bowl , the bubbles appear for like 1-2 sec (due to pressure) and all of them disappear. But only at home, im getting bubbles.

I do not take anything that could potentially damage my kidneys like creatine nor do i drink excessive alcohol.

Sometimes i notice i urinate alot, but that maybe because im not active and im drinking plenty of mineral water in a AIR conditioned office.

What are the possibilities of me having a kidney disease?

I heard someone told me that by the time you realize bubbles in your urine, your kidney has already been damaged badly.

But i feel perfectly fine and healthy and i dont have any pain or pressure when urinating, they often come out clear or slightly yellowish (unless the first one in the morning which is concentrated)

Please advice me :( im too chickened to get a test done.

16-04-18, 06:53
You can make foam/bubbles just from the force of it hitting the water, my morning one is always foamy, if I've been holding it in for a while, again its foamy

As for the kidney comment. I used to have a urine/kidney issue. It was foamy and cloudy. I had blood and urine tests, apparently I was peeing blood and protein and my kidneys weren't working properly. That was 17 years ago, it stopped after a couple of years and now my kidneys are fine again and I took nothing for it in the end so I wouldn't be too worried that your kidneys are packing in!

16-04-18, 18:48
I went through this fear just a few weeks ago as one evening I noticed there was bubbles and lots of them, like soap suds in my toilet after using the restroom. I freaked out and went on a google rampage! I discovered the next day, it was from running my dishwasher and washing machine at the same time caused some backage in my toilet. The fact that you said it only happens at home and not at other places tells me it has something to do with your water in your system than you. If it was your kidneys it'd be happening everywhere and not just at home.

16-04-18, 19:29
Urine that foams when you use the bathroom is very normal, especially in men.

16-05-21, 03:55
If this helps you mentally then let me tell you... I have been experiencing foamy urine since 2016. Almost everyday. Sometimes it's clear but most of the time it's foamy. Sitting or hitting the sides of the toilet doesn't help. Last week I got my blood works done. Everything came back normal. So I guess it's normal to have foamy urine. But one thing is that drinking plenty of water throughout the day has turned my urine clear. But if you are worrying too much then the best solution is to get tested for your peace of mind. All the best.
Love. D.