View Full Version : What brings a PA on?

16-12-04, 14:19
Hi everyone...
I feel kind of guilty as I only ever seem to visit this site when I have a problem...[:I]
I had my first PA at the beginning of November, and for the past two weeks I've had no symptons of any kind of attack. I have been so happy, most days just carrying on with my daily chores without thinking too much about how I'm feeling.
Last night, I went out to a quiet restaurant with some friends. The meal was delicious (seafood) followed by a lager shandy in a nearby pub. I arrived home smoked my last cigarette (of many that evening!"![Sigh...]) went to bed, relaxed and drifted off to sleep. I woke up very startled, with a pain in my stomach. I thought and told myself that it was indigestion. I took some Andrews Salts, which relieved the feeling then Panic set in... I tried to control my breathing with difficulty.. I couldn't relax. My panic attack seems to be triggered by a feeling of unwell in my stomach, since I had a stomach virus one week before I had my first panic attack.
I'm fearing now that I might go off my food and have some sort of eating disorder. I enjoy my food.....
I woke up this morning feeling shakey with a knot feeling in my stomach and a dry mouth...
What do you think is wrong... I don't feel stressed or anxious about anything... :(

16-12-04, 15:07
hello there,

Panic can be triggered by loads of different things. I don't think you should be worried about eating. You will soon learn how to deal with your panic attacks a lot better and also be able to see them coming.

Sarah :D

16-12-04, 16:47
I still don't know what causes my attacks, after 7 years of them, i can get them at anytime, night or day out of the blue, i can go weeks without one then weeks with them everyday, i dont feel depressed or down, unhappy etc, except for when they come on strong for a continuous period of time...

16-12-04, 18:02
hi, I think you done right carrying on as normal and not worrying after your first attack thats the way to beat them. Maybe after the tummy bug u had then the seafood meal pluss a lager shandy which is gassy gave u a tummyache? and its so common to have a panic attack if woke sudden. Do what u done last time if you can just try and not let it worry u and u be the master not the panic. take care, Vernon

16-12-04, 22:09
Hi Hamer73

Different things start panic for different people but it is usually our own thoughts which spark anxiety and panic attacks.

As you had a stomach bug before your first panic attack and then woke up with stomach pains you were possibly associating this with the earlier virus and panic, and then the thoughts spiral.

I hope you are feeling better.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

16-12-04, 22:39
Thanks everyone... After reading about Depression on this website, the symptoms appeared to relate to my feelings from today. It seems to be like a viscious circle... Depression -> Anxiety -> Panice Attack!!!!