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View Full Version : Went to doctors about long term swollen lymph nodes

16-04-18, 16:26
Finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctors again. I have continued painful swollen (confirmed by doctors as swollen, not my imagination) lymph nodes in my neck mostly on the left side, with shivers, pain and flushing in my face for 5 months. Originally thought to be glandular fever which I disagreed with due to not having a period of acute illness at the start.

I saw a different doctor today (not doctor hopping as other one not available and also only had one opinion). She disagreed with glandular fever too and said this was "very very unusual, we don't see this sort of thing" which of course made me panic, however she said since I'm the same weight and the nodes are pretty much the same size as 5 months ago she's not too concerned about blood cancer.

I asked her what she thought it was and she didn't even give me an inkling, she was just like "let's wait for the results and go from there". She gave me a strep swab, a more in depth blood test which I did both of today, and an ultrasound request which she said will be about 2 months away, so basically I'm going to be waiting for 2 months without any sort of idea. I'm so worried because she said it was so unusual, ahhhhhhh. Well at least I've got 2/3 tests out of the way.

She also looked at my tonsils and then asked if I drink or smoke, which made me panic that maybe she thinks I have a tonsil cancer or something. 😥😥😥 This is making me so miserable.

16-04-18, 18:45
I'm so sorry you're experiencing this anxiety. *hugs* I completely understand how you feel. I have a swollen node (confirmed by Dr. and ultrasound) on my left side of my neck since January. At least, that is when I noticed it. Nobody was concerned about it, including my ENT. So I left feeling pretty good about it. He wanted me to have it re checked in May to make sure its staying the same or getting smaller. Well all was well in my mind, for the most part, until recently my went has been dropping here and there. Its starting to scare me.

16-04-18, 21:31
I'm so sorry you're experiencing this anxiety. *hugs* I completely understand how you feel. I have a swollen node (confirmed by Dr. and ultrasound) on my left side of my neck since January. At least, that is when I noticed it. Nobody was concerned about it, including my ENT. So I left feeling pretty good about it. He wanted me to have it re checked in May to make sure its staying the same or getting smaller. Well all was well in my mind, for the most part, until recently my went has been dropping here and there. Its starting to scare me.

Oh no, I'm sorry, did the doctor say they thought it was infection? Or no idea? I know that around October I had white patches on my tonsils but with no fever or anything. I have a photo thank God. because otherwise my anxiety brain would convince myself that's not true. The nodes came up after the white tonsils so idk if it cleared on the surface but is still brewing underneath, idk if a surface swab would pick that up. I also have tingling feet and fingers sometimes which I don't know if it's relevant or not.
I wonder if you can actually have an infection bad enough to cause nodes to swell but never have a fever!
I just want to be back to normal! Nodes are hell for anxiety sufferers!

16-04-18, 21:33
Are these the same nodes you talked about in a previous post?

The doctor couldn’t feel it when she felt my neck despite the fact it is blatantly there, but did feel the other moveable nodes around that area.

Positive thoughts

16-04-18, 21:46
Are these the same nodes you talked about in a previous post?

Positive thoughts

they're confirmed to be swollen, that was a different one, the ones in my neck are swollen, that one is behind my ear, which this doctor said she doesn't know if it's bone or a node and will see when the ultrasound comes back