View Full Version : Advice - what causing this strange sway feeling

16-04-18, 18:37

I suffered from health anxiety for a while . Been on citropram for about 3 years 20mg .

Just finished counselling last month. Been doing pretty well since sept last year certainly in a state I could manage and control my worries .

However last 2 days I been feeling really strange. Like I am on a boat and sore sinus like headaches at front of head and face .I am worried it anxiety back but I not been anxious or worrying .

Things I think it might be . Counsellor said to think of rational explanation for symptoms

I had cold/bad cough all of last week. Could the feeling be from sinus ?

I also am anemic and not struggle to take iron tablets . Could this be from low iron

Finally I have been really bad this past few months at remembering my Ssri tablets. I probably taking one every 2nd or 3rd day . Felt no ill effects so was going to think of reducing anyway but maybe it catching up with me now . Could this strange dizzy feeling like on a boat and headaches be from some withdrawn effect of that.

Trying not to panic that it something serious or I going to have this forever !!! That is one of my health anxiety is worrying that my symptoms won't go ever .

Any advice or anyone had this strange feeling


16-04-18, 19:05
Are you sure you weren’t experiencing anxiety those days and when you hyperfocused on it, it got worse or stuck around?? Because I have had this feeling on and off and even when I didn’t think i was severely anxious, but it was my anxiety! Exact same feeling, like a boat. And I have had ALL the tests and everything is normal. I would just tell myself “it’s just anxiety” and then ignore it and usually it goes away after a bit, as long as my anxiety is lower.

16-04-18, 23:02
I get that when my sinuses start to drain. It is usually after I have been sitting or laying with my head back for a while. I really feel it in the morning when first getting up. A hot shower usually clears the sinuses up (not always, but the majority of the time). I get "sea sick" off and on throughout the day from it. Pay attention to your sinuses and see if you feel them draining down your throat (I don't always get the runny nose). If you do, it is most likely your sinuses playing with your head (literally).

16-04-18, 23:17
So there are a few reasons that I think might be causing this, none of them serious. I've been having issues with this myself since the start of the year and i'm still having it investigated. Here are some of the things that could be causing it:

1. Side effect of the SSRIs or consequences of not taking them every day. Depending on the half life of the drug, you can start experiencing withdrawals within a couple of days.

2. Sinus problems

3. An inner ear imbalance that may have been triggered by the cold and will clear up eventually

4. If you are anaemic, that won't help things either

It could just be that the dizziness/swaying feeling are being caused by one or a mix of some of the things you mentioned. I highly doubt it's anything serious but it might take your body some time to readjust.

It might be a good idea to start setting a reminder for you to take your medicine at the same time each day, you'll get much more benefit out of taking them daily and could even cause the symptoms you're getting to go away, you never know.

Good luck

17-04-18, 17:59

Thanks to everyone who have taken time to reply .

Things same with the swaying today and I also now had a really sore tight head like it pressure feeling . Feel a bit like sinus or tension or both as feel it accross my nose and ear feel bit full .

I feel it most when standing still or kneeling .

I really don't think it anxiety as I was not anxious or worried over anything when it started although I am getting anxious now the longer it goes on as never had this before . It freaky

Will make sure I take my citropram every day , take iron and going to steam as well. Was pretty congested when woke today .

I booked doctor for a week on Thursday but hoping it goes away before that
Thanks again for replying it means a lot

18-04-18, 03:39
I can get this from anxiety even when I don’t feel stressed or anxious. Also, sinus issues can clog up eustacian tubes which will cause it. I usually load up on 12 hour mucinex and it’s better in a few days. And finally, I have TMJ which causes vertigo (due to swelling near inner ear) so sometimes that flares up and gives me problems.

23-04-18, 07:08

Still not feeling any better . Extreme tiredness too, swaying and headaches

I getting very worried now as never had this before . Feel so weak and upset too

Seeing gp on Thursday . So disappointed as was doing so good

Don't know what to do now


23-04-18, 07:24
It sounds very like sinus/inner ear infection/inflammation to me. I really doubt kt’s Anything sinister. X

30-04-18, 17:04
So update . Still have this swaying feeling pretty constant . It worse when I do something quickly with my arm like wipe down a table or dry my hair.

Saw my gp on Thursday she thought it could be viral labyrinths after that cold or anaemia . I did not get any medication .

I got blood done

However today woke up with what feels like toothache on left side with sore head behind ear and sore face. I am not congested .

Any thoughts ? It driving me nuts , I think it will never go away .


19-01-19, 00:02
So update . Still have this swaying feeling pretty constant . It worse when I do something quickly with my arm like wipe down a table or dry my hair.

Saw my gp on Thursday she thought it could be viral labyrinths after that cold or anaemia . I did not get any medication .

I got blood done

However today woke up with what feels like toothache on left side with sore head behind ear and sore face. I am not congested .

Any thoughts ? It driving me nuts , I think it will never go away .


Did this go away?

01-02-19, 19:48
Sorry never noticed this as not been online ,

Yes it went away in about July . I got referred to ent in end who referred me to a dizzy clinic and it went away a week after so never needed the clinic .

Not sure what it was


04-02-19, 09:49
Sorry never noticed this as not been online ,

Yes it went away in about July . I got referred to ent in end who referred me to a dizzy clinic and it went away a week after so never needed the clinic .

Not sure what it was


Was it because you kept taking your tablets again?