View Full Version : Progress! It can happen.

16-04-18, 19:34
So I’ve been a lurker for a little while and thought id post now. Started with what the doctors are calling panic disorder last October and I’ve got to say I’m at a place where I am existing more harmoniously with my panic. Cbt sessions are over but I have learnt that there is no magical cure for what’s going on only way out is some damn hard work on yourself. Yes panic is still here for me and will be starting psychotherapy for past issues in my life that I’ve not dealt with with but with each passing day by applying cbt and making time for myself (after running around after a toddler!) I’ve been myself go from omg ring an ambulance I’m about to die to this is ok this is just panic in my body and 80% of the time I can roll with it and carry on with my day.

Oh and exercise I can not recommend this enough! I’m out walking I’m at the swimming pool twice a week and on those days I completely forgotten to take my meds and I felt good. Now I’m not saying it’s completely gone I have what I call Low level panic cracking on in the background during the day and but sometimes you have to accept that your not dying just yet!

I did have a little set back last week three solid days of palpitations and I freaked out started googling and ofc google feeds your panic of yes you will die of this or this when really I’ve made those sensations happen by feeding my panic.

So to those of you struggling it’s tough but you can move forward with tiny footsteps I’ve read my panic diary posts from Jan and thought what the hell was I thinking totally irrational thinking! So for me now my next steps this summer is take this further so ween off my beta blockers and tease out the rest of this pesky panic!.

Also thanks to reading some more positive posts on these forums the times when My thinking may escalate I will come and read something like a success story and remind myself I can do this so thank you to those people who post some wonderfully positive things.