View Full Version : Worried from child's pneumonia diagnosis

17-04-18, 03:57
The past couple nights my child has had a slight cough. A few years ago she had the same problem to the point we thought it was asthma. She ended up having reflux real bad. Well that's what we attributed these recent coughing fits to. Last night around midnight she woke up screaming from head pain and was having what seemed to be labored breathing and running a high fever. We took her to the ER and they did a flu test and gave her an X-ray. Flu was negative and the X-ray show signs of potential pneumonia. Fever was 102 F. The Physician Assistant brushed everything off basically like it wasn't serious. She was giving amoxicillin. She woke up this morning and threw up. We think that was from all the medicine on an empty stomach last night. She's running a fever and has chills and sensitivity to light and constantly coughing. I don't recall being around anyone with pneumonia and don't know what's supposed to happen. My anxiety takes me to worst case scenarios such as sepsis and what not. The fiancé and I, who she is the voice of reason, don't exactly know what to do. Take her back in, or just watch her closely and see how it goes. She's only had two doses of antibiotics so far and is due for her next one in about 10 hrs. The reason I write this is everything I've described and also that she just woke up screaming and crying and shaking. We've calmed her back down and she's back asleep. Just looking for advice or other experiences.

17-04-18, 09:01
My daughter had acute viral pneumonia and sepsis at 4 weeks of age so I have some experience of this horrible scenario.
I f your daughter has vomited then it's doubtful the antibiotics will have been absorbed into her system. Keep a very close eye on her temperature and for any mottling of her skin. She will be clammy and very listless with pneumonia and obviously unwell.
To be honest if there is no improvement and she's still coughing with a high temperature, weak and disorientated and off her food I'd take her back in for a further assessment. I'm not sure what "potential" pneumonia means-it sounds worse than a chest infection which could be treated at home. Better to be cautious and get her thoroughly checked out by a decent doctor.

17-04-18, 09:02
Hi. Can you call your normal doctor for advice re. the throwing up and the antibiotics and also just to ask for their opinion on her symptoms? I'm in the UK, but just thinking through what I'd do. My daughter was prescribed anti-sickness meds once to help keep antibiotics down when she had a bad infection years ago. But I'm thinking be good to get a medical opinion. I know you must have HA as you're on the board, but this doesn't sound like a "HA thing" if that makes sense, in that it's not your mind running away to unlikely scenarios. It's normal to worry about this with your child when they're poorly. Post to update please when you get a chance xx