View Full Version : All alone

17-04-18, 18:04
Feeling so alone. I spend all day with a two year old and have no adult company apart from my Partner when he gets home from work. My HA is driving me insane but I have nobody to talk to about it. My partner tries to be supportive but he gets so annoyed by it. I don’t trust my own eyes anymore and I don’t know what are real health worries and what is just anxiety. I’m convinced I have cancer and that everyone including doctors just attribute my symptoms to my anxiety. It’s so exhausting being afraid all the time 😢

17-04-18, 18:17
Hey. Your not alone. There are a lot of us out here in the same boat. Just look up at the stars at night and you will see the number of people out there that can relate. Try to focus on the beautiful side of life and live it to it's fullest. Worrying about death won't make it go away, it will just make it get here without you ever having lived. Feel free to message me if you need. Otherwise, focus on that baby and watch how they grow and learn without fear, with wonder and with joy.

17-04-18, 18:26
Hi, mum of two here who now cant talk to other adults without making an idiot of myself. I have a wonderful partner who gets home from work and tries his best but really I feel I just add more stress to him and in the end makes my anxiety worse. Have you had any tests that may put your mind at ease? my health anxiety focuses on my heart. To the point where I recently found a lump on my breast and had two weeks of tests and waiting on results and I coped just fine about it all as I can be rational about another health things just not my heart. Thankfully tests came back all fine. It is very exhausting and consumes your life. This site helps me a lot but I know I should seek more help maybe cbt I've read it helps a lot x

17-04-18, 18:27
Thank you for replying. I’ve posted on here a few times recently but had no replies. It really means a lot. Thanks!
My big worry right now is a mole that I scratched off which I thought looked suspicious. It grew back in a very irregular shape but ther dermatologist says he isn’t concerned. How can he say that when he didn’t see the original mole that looked suspicious! I’m so scared that I have melanoma and that it is going undiagnosed!

17-04-18, 18:28
Everyone in my house including my doctor are very annoyed with my behavior with HA. I’m more annoyed by the fact they’re making fun of me for worrying about my own health. I have high cholesterol for heck sake! They know I’m unhealthy. Some people they are when they say, “IT’S NORMAL” or “ OH LOOK I HAVE A PAIN IN MY THING!” Hate it when people act so ignorant to people who have actual problems to deal with HA.

17-04-18, 18:30
Hi, mum of two here who now cant talk to other adults without making an idiot of myself. I have a wonderful partner who gets home from work and tries his best but really I feel I just add more stress to him and in the end makes my anxiety worse. Have you had any tests that may put your mind at ease? my health anxiety focuses on my heart. To the point where I recently found a lump on my breast and had two weeks of tests and waiting on results and I coped just fine about it all as I can be rational about another health things just not my heart. Thankfully tests came back all fine. It is very exhausting and consumes your life. This site helps me a lot but I know I should seek more help maybe cbt I've read it helps a lot x

Oh Clare I can completely relate! My HA started with breast worried! I never got a referral but the fears eventually subsided (I think the lumps I could feel were breast tissue). My HA completely focuses on moles. I recently had a referral to the melanoma clinic and the whole process took five weeks! It definitely made me worse unfortunately. I just couldn’t cope with the fear!

17-04-18, 18:34
I'm currently obsessing Over a mole as well,and I'm also home with my little one and don't interact much with adults so I'm rght there with ya. From what I read you habe seen the sermon though and they believe all to be well?that's great!I've been reading threads on here where pwople have been saying melanoma IA actually more rare than people think it is,that's given me some peace of mind.

17-04-18, 18:38
I'm currently obsessing Over a mole as well,and I'm also home with my little one and don't interact much with adults so I'm rght there with ya. From what I read you habe seen the sermon though and they believe all to be well?that's great!I've been reading threads on here where pwople have been saying melanoma IA actually more rare than people think it is,that's given me some peace of mind.

Hey froggie! I float around on those threads too! I hope everything but s goingbok with your mole? Flippin’ Little things are just awful aren’t they!

17-04-18, 18:47
Hackgame my family all say I've been a hypochondriac since I was I kid like its a big joke but it has taken over my life so I completely sympathize with you, it just makes me hide a lot of things from them now to save the stress :/
limeslime mine was breast tissue they said its very common and does feel like a lump. Can you ask for a second opinion for peace of mind? It probably won't help but an expert who sees moles all day wouldn't have just dismissed it if he was concerned at all. I know I would think the same as you as my anxiety gets the better off me x

17-04-18, 18:50
It's weird I honestly don't even know how long it's been there but now I'm convinced that since I didn't see it before (under my hair)that it must be new and must be melanoma..I get reassurance one moment,then panic the next. I'm going to try to convice myself to stop checking it and I took pics to monitor and will compare pics in a couple weeks but it's easier said than done. I've obsessed before about moles that ended up being nothing and here I am again!

17-04-18, 19:03
It's weird I honestly don't even know how long it's been there but now I'm convinced that since I didn't see it before (under my hair)that it must be new and must be melanoma..I get reassurance one moment,then panic the next. I'm going to try to convice myself to stop checking it and I took pics to monitor and will compare pics in a couple weeks but it's easier said than done. I've obsessed before about moles that ended up being nothing and here I am again!

I’m not an expert but I think it looks like a friendly mole! It’s symetrical, evenly coloured and most importantly it has hairs growing through it!!! (Hairs don’t grow through dead tissue)
I totally understand why you’d worry though because I’d do the same if I found a new mole! That’s just the HA in us. But if you think logically about it, we can develop new moles until we’re in our 40s, and a new mole doesn’t have to mean melanoma! Just keep an eye on it for the ABCDEs but I don’t think anyone without HA would stress over it ☺️

---------- Post added at 19:03 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

Hackgame my family all say I've been a hypochondriac since I was I kid like its a big joke but it has taken over my life so I completely sympathize with you, it just makes me hide a lot of things from them now to save the stress :/
limeslime mine was breast tissue they said its very common and does feel like a lump. Can you ask for a second opinion for peace of mind? It probably won't help but an expert who sees moles all day wouldn't have just dismissed it if he was concerned at all. I know I would think the same as you as my anxiety gets the better off me x

I don’t know of anyone I could get a second opinion from to be honest! My GP won’t give me another referral as it costs the practice £500 each time. I can only get another referral if it changes in size, colour or shape. I love the NHS, but things like this are a nightmare!

17-04-18, 19:05
I hope you start feeling a bit better about it, it is horrible when worried so much about something. My partner has a mole just like that on his head ( he shaves his hair short ) I never thought could be anything sinister ive nearly shaved it off a few times accidentally. I don't know much about melanoma but really would get a second opinion just so you can relax about it :)

---------- Post added at 19:05 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ----------

just seen about your comment on a referral that makes sense well i hope you can relax a bit about it and try not check so much..easier said then done lol

17-04-18, 19:08
Ohh I did not know that about the hair thing,thanks for the reassurance!! I'm hoping you can find peace in worrying about yours too! Wish our minds would just relax

17-04-18, 19:16
Thank you so much everyone for the chat. It’s really helped to know I’m not quite so alone in this battle

17-04-18, 20:33
Hey. Your not alone. There are a lot of us out here in the same boat. Just look up at the stars at night and you will see the number of people out there that can relate. Try to focus on the beautiful side of life and live it to it's fullest. Worrying about death won't make it go away, it will just make it get here without you ever having lived. Feel free to message me if you need. Otherwise, focus on that baby and watch how they grow and learn without fear, with wonder and with joy.

What a lovely post!

23-04-18, 11:22
Feeling so alone. I spend all day with a two year old and have no adult company apart from my Partner when he gets home from work. My HA is driving me insane but I have nobody to talk to about it. My partner tries to be supportive but he gets so annoyed by it. I don’t trust my own eyes anymore and I don’t know what are real health worries and what is just anxiety. I’m convinced I have cancer and that everyone including doctors just attribute my symptoms to my anxiety. It’s so exhausting being afraid all the time 😢

Hi Limeslime,

I can DEFINITELY relate to you. I am alone all day with my 2 year old and 5 year old and only have one friend (just moved recently) and we live 30 minutes apart so we don't see each other everyday or anything. I have no one to talk to either and I have been to way too many doctors these past 7 months. My husband helps too but he is getting frustrated and so is everyone else. I am just lonely and scared. My HA is on a whole other level, it's extremely ridiculous and like you, I doubt EVERY single little thing in/on my body. For example, my left forearm muscle is larger than my right forearm muscle and I'm worried about why that is.

I am also convinced I have cancer. I am currently scared that I have one of SIX different cancers, as well as a couple genetic diseases, despite being to several different doctors and having numerous blood tests and ultrasounds over the past 7 months.

It is an extremely lonely existence.