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View Full Version : MS ruled out, so now back to my heart again.

17-04-18, 18:54
I'm 27 years old. Since as my late teens I have worried about my heart. And as with most people here, it doesn't just emerge out of nothing. Most recently the below symptoms have promptly stopped me from enjoying most things, I'm worried that I won't be able to exercise properly or work. Over the years I have had lots of ekgs, and xrays and two echos. Only one ekg came back dodgy which mimicked a mini heart attacked, but the doctors ruled it out as such. However, I still feel these same syntoms and it feels like I'm suffering from heart failure or some genetic heart problem. The only thing I have been diagnosed with is low vitamin D and anxiety. I am frankly sick of this and I just don't know what to do. Synptoms: weakness or fatigue. balance problems or dizziness.

19-04-18, 21:54
Hey there, im the same. Had ekg ablut 6 months ago, blood test, blood pressure and heart listened to by 2 docs. Said im fine. I started on meds again and they worked. Though "hey im feeling better lets wean off" and this was without a doctor saying so. Anyway after the side effects died off (electric shocks and brain zaps) im back to heart again. Im obsessed with pain on the left side, shoulder, chest,neck & arm etc. And it coincidentally sgarted when i came off the tabs. I dont smoke,drink take drugs, have a rwasonable diet not full of saturates, cholesterol good, 33 yrs with no family history of heart disease bjt i cant get it out of my head. I know 100% we can create these symltoms though. Ive done it numerous times. I mean from what ive read cardiac pain gets worse as the time goes on, same with fatigue etc. Ive had it now for nearly 2 months and ironically the breathing issues i had have gone and been replaced with these symptoms. Im gonna give you advice that i should liten to. If you had heart failiure you would know because you would have difficulty doing ge eral things even climbing stairs etc. Depending on if its congestive you would have edema (swelling in legs and abdomen) and would find it very difficult to breathe especially lying down. Its shitty i know. Feel free to chat.

19-04-18, 22:49
You say MS has been ruled out, but you also say the heart issues have been ruled out too.

Perhaps try and identify what allowed you to accept the diagnosis of no MS, and focus on transferring that to your heart worries.

20-04-18, 14:03
As someone with a couple real heart issues, anxiety symptoms and my actual heart symptoms are completely different animals. You know when your heart if having problems, it is not hard to realize the difference between the two. All of what you described I had from anxiety and none of those symptoms showed with my heart issues.

20-04-18, 19:19
I would still rule out the Vitamin D problem. It’s an extremely common problem for a lot of people.

20-04-18, 19:39
I would still rule out the Vitamin D problem. It’s an extremely common problem for a lot of people.

What's that have to do with this? Been Googling HGame? :whistles:


20-04-18, 19:42
I mean they have low vitamin D so.. *shrugs* I just think it’s kinda beneficial incase there’s any other problems. (Ok maybe I have googled lol)

25-04-18, 23:09
Hi all, really appreciate the comments from you. I am having various tests to rule out a lot of things including another echo and a blood pressure monitor. My bp has been abnormally high (140/90 average) so going to double check. @lofwyr I mean no disrespect, it's really hard sometimes when you feel symptoms and you google and it all seems to mimic the worst. It's even more annoying that I get skipped beats too. Your advice is encouraging. I do have a vitamin D problem, hopefully, all these other things will be ruled out, making it easier for me to focus on this. These symptoms are at times scary and can come suddenly so I hope you can understand.