View Full Version : Revisiting a test I had done years ago!

17-04-18, 19:02
Getting myself in a right pickle over an x ray I had several years ago on my bladder and kidneys. It was to check that the previous surgery I had had to stop reflux up the ureters was still holding well (had the op years before). It was one of those x rays where they fill your bladder with dye and then you have to wee whilst they video it. Sorry if too much detail! I had to wee into a cup thing but as I started to wee the cup moved and I went to grab it. I got told off by the health professionals as my hand flashed across the image, albeit briefly. At the end they told me it all looked good and off I went happy. Now years later I am analysing this situation and spinning myself into a panic that my hand will have blocked the image and they won't have seen it properly - I am almost at the point of recontacting the consultant to check with him. I am trying to rationalise this and accept that they knew what they were doing and would have repeated the procedure if there was any issue. Does anyone else suffer with these doubts years later. I have my kidney function checked annually with blood tests and urine samples and to date have remained very well. Please any advice would be good, thanks.

17-04-18, 19:06
Hopefully you realize the irrationality of your fear as years later, if something was wrong, you'd know by now? :huh:

Positive thoughts

17-04-18, 19:27
If your hand had blocked the image they would have taken another one, there and then. They check the images before they let you go, and the radiographer (or whichever skilled person did it) would ensure that they had the right quality that they needed. I haven't had this test, but when I have mammos they always check the images before letting you go, for clarity. Anyway, as was said by FMP above, all these years later that image is kind of irrelevant now - you'd know if something was amiss.

17-04-18, 20:27
Thanks for your replies. I think it was actually a moving image that they record, like a video, to watch the bladder empty and make sure the urine isn't going back up the ureters to the kidneys (which was the problem before the surgery), rather than still images, so I guess they saw what they needed to and it was working ok as they didn't suggest doing it all over again?

17-04-18, 20:50
I guess they saw what they needed to and it was working ok as they didn't suggest doing it all over again?

Take the question mark away, put a period at the end and there's your answer. Make it a "statement" instead of another "question". You'd be amazed at what one punctuation mark can do :winks:

Positive thoughts

17-04-18, 21:08
I don't know anything about this test, but i'm thinking they probably asked you to drink a certain amount and worked out what came out? Which probably told them alot also.

17-04-18, 21:15
Yes, I think they do measure what comes out and the pressure at which it comes out. They actually fill your bladder with a catheter tube, so you don’t drink anything, they fill it from the other end, so to speak. Sounds awful but it really isn’t, just in case anyone is due to have it done.

18-04-18, 01:17
What’s caused you to start worrying about the test now? Do you have symptoms?

27-04-18, 15:23
Sorry Swajj didn't see your question. No, I don't have any symptoms, in fact I get my kidney function tested every year with blood tests and urine sample and it's all stable and fine. I just happened to be worrying (as I do) about all the X Rays I have had in my life time and then I focused on this one for some reason and simply remembered that I had gone to grab the cup when they were X Raying me and had a panic that they may not have seen what they needed on the monitor as my hand was in the way for a brief time. I did mention all this to my GP when I saw him and he said' "What would they have done if they couldn't see it?" and I said, "They would have said they couldn't see it," to which he replied, "and did they?" and I said "No, they said it was all fine." I think at that point the Doctor just looked at me with raised eyebrows! But guess what, I am now analysing that conversation and thinking that I should have said, "They would have said they couldn't see it and need to repeat it." Because I feel that I didn't answer the GP properly and mention 'repeat' I need to go back and check with him that I don't need to repeat it!! Wish my mind would shut up for a while...

---------- Post added at 15:23 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

Incidentally this X Ray I'm talking about must have been 10 years ago!

27-04-18, 17:11
Please don't go back to the doctor over that. You know you are tormenting yourself and your brain is trying to find something to worry about to replace the last worry you had over the saliva etc etc. It's a complete waste of an NHS appointment which someone else could use.

And you know this too, don't you. Deep down?

27-04-18, 17:21
You know, you really have to move on from this....10 years ago...thats such a long time! So much life and so many other checks and tests have happened in between, and you know you are ok. Its as we said....if they can't see what they need to on the image....they do another image. That's what happens - they aren't in the habit of taking half-hearted unseeable images, that is of no benefit at all. They are skilled medics, they know what they are looking for (even radiographers do years of training for their role). You really are being obsessive about this, but then you know that :winks:

---------- Post added at 17:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

Analysing the words of the conversation with the doctor is not necessary - there is an underlying point. THEY SAID IT WAS FINE.

27-04-18, 17:54
Thanks to you both, I appreciate your responses :)

---------- Post added at 17:54 ---------- Previous post was at 17:43 ----------

Carys, it was a video type x ray that records you weeing and they watch it on a monitor, bit different to individual images that they can take again, so I guess that was why I was worried cos it’s a little difficult to repeat once you start to wee. However, I am beginning to accept that they must have seen enough of the procedure to know it was all fine and didn’t need to fill my bladder again and do it all again. I actually saw part of the video after and they showed me my hand flashing across the screen!

27-04-18, 17:58
Let it go, Jane..for your own sanity?

27-04-18, 18:01
Pulisa - I have made a private appointment to see a CBT therapist next week as my NHS ‘allocated sessions’ finished a few weeks ago.

27-04-18, 18:07
I really hope that this helps you, Jane, and you can work towards getting some relief from these tormenting thoughts.

27-04-18, 18:30
Thank you, I hope so too.