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16-07-07, 20:46
I am 34 yrs old and live in London. I have suffered from anxiety and occasional panic attacks for over five years and I have been on a prescription of venlafaxine 75mg for the last three years. This normally helps but on Friday lunchtime I had a panic attack that started out of nowhere and has thus far has lasted three days (by far the longest and most frightening episode I have ever had). The extreme attacks seem to last about an hour and are extremely frightening, to the point where I do not know where to put myself. I then calm down for about 30 minutes but I cannot stop thinking that another attack is around the corner and sure enough it is – a self-fulfilling prophecy I guess. I went to the A&E of my local hospital twice between Saturday morning and Sunday morning. On both occasions I had to wait three hours alone before being seen. I was then given Diazepam and Lorezepam and told to leave the hospital – on both occasions feeling I hadn’t received the help that I needed. I am scared of both drugs as I suffer from sleep apnoea and neither drug is normally recommended.

It is now Monday and I saw my GP today and she recommended a new prescription of Citalopram (to replace the venlafaxine) only the side effects sound awful. According to the information leaflet common effects can be abnormal dreaming, anxiety and suicide attempts. I rang my GP asking I could remain on the venlafaxine and she accented.

The worst time by far is the night time and I am scared to go to bed. I am sometimes conscious of having dreams that are agitating/frightening (whilst they are happening) even though they are completely innocuous. I will suddenly sit bolt upright in bed with the panic surging through me. I also seem to get stuck in a loop dreaming sometimes which has the same effect. It makes me feel as though I am going crazy and I can’t imagine that anyone else experiences the same thing.

Being honest I have been a user of leisure drugs for over ten years and I have used cocaine regularly and heavily for the last five years. I am hoping I that making positive changes to my life, such as giving up the drugs and taking up physical exercise, will allow me to be free of the panic attacks. I hope!

I am extremely frightened and the last three days have been truly awful. I would very much welcome people’s thoughts.

16-07-07, 21:10
Hi Tooting,

A big warm welcome to you. You have made the right move joining this site as everyone here is lovely and very supportive. xx

16-07-07, 21:28
hi , i too was on venlafaxine but was told to come off and go on citalapram,obviously i was scared but luckily i feel they work better than the other drug.i still worry about attacks but so far have been great. give them a try and good luck........

16-07-07, 21:34
hello and welcome im sure you will find lots of info and support I wish ya the best........Linda

16-07-07, 21:39
Hi Tooting

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

I too take Citalopram and its worked wonders for me, i have been taking it on and off for 8 years now.

When first starting to take the medication it usually heightens your anxiety but things soon settle down. I would give it a go you have nothing to loose.


16-07-07, 21:40

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

I am on citalopram and they have really helped me and I never experienced any of the severe symptoms that were stated on the leaflet

Take care

Trac xxx

17-07-07, 09:13
Hello Totting :welcome:to you!

What an absolutely awful time you've had.

I too had horrendous side effects from Citalopram - but I stuck with it and it really helped me. Please PM me if you would like to chat about it.

I've always been an avid dreamer for as long as I can remember - but during my 'black time' I can reacall waking in the night just like you. And the fear is overwhelming.

here's a hug for you :hugs:

You're among friends here and will get plenty of help and support.

Oh, and I'm plesed to meet you!


17-07-07, 19:44
Hi Tooting

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and you will get loads of support and advice on here.