View Full Version : HA Treatment advice

17-04-18, 19:49
Hi all,

Long time HA sufferer here. Has anyone tried treatment for health anxiety and if so what was the outcome like. I'm struggling at the moment. It seems to come in waves, all in all probably been suffering around 25 years

Thanks in advance


17-04-18, 20:38
I would say most of us here have tried various treatments for Anxiety in general. I would say most treatments for any anxiety are the same but tailored to the type you have.

It's hard to say what will and won't work for you. Dealing with anxiety (especially is it's a disorder) or depression is something of a trial and error experience. You might get lucky and find that the first treatment you try is enough to eradicate it. Or you could spend a great deal of time finding the right combination that works for you.

The starting point for long term severe anxiety is usually one or a combination of these things:

- SSRI medication
- Therapy (Usually Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness or some form of counselling depending on the anxiety)

Anxiety that is resistant to treatment may then move on to one or more of the following:

- Switching the SSRI for an SNRI or something like Mirtazapine to see if it makes a difference
- Alternative therapies or continuation of current therapy

If the anxiety is still resisting treatment then you're looking at one of these:

- Psychiatrist who will review your medication and offer you combinations that are not able to be prescribed by GPs. Usually you will be offered something like Pregabalin to take along with whatever med you're currently on (IF it is suitable)

As far as i'm aware, this is the procedure followed by the NHS when it comes to Generalized Anxiety Disorder. SSRI and/or therapy, switch SSRI for SNRI or Mirtazapine if no change, if still no change then psychiatrist.

Bear in mind that this isn't set in stone, some areas will offer different treatment depending on your own doctor's judgement about your condition but this is the general flow that I think is followed.

18-04-18, 01:22
I chose my own treatment which was therapy with a psychiatrist. You should talk to your GP and find out what he or she recommends. Does your GP know you have had HA for 25 years?

18-04-18, 08:56
Up tin

18-04-18, 20:40
Thanks for the replies. i have tried SSRIs previously but came off them as i think the negatives outweighed the benefits plus i think this can be resolved alternative ways

Maybe i think i need a good talking to change way i think. My GP has just retired but i shouldn't use that as an excuse i shouldn't be leaning on them heavily as a safety net. I think i have found a new GP who is compassionate and understands my issues as i genuinely have valid health complaints which doesn't help my HA