View Full Version : tiny red spot

17-04-18, 20:21
I have a tiny red spot ,just opposite my elbow on my right arm,its the size of a of a pin head, can anyone tell me what it is, I only noticed it two days ago, I am frightened:scared15::weep:

17-04-18, 20:23
Probably a very small cherry hemangioma.

17-04-18, 20:25
If you are worried see your gp. who will tell you what it is.

17-04-18, 20:26
OK, not trying to make light of your situation, but a tiny red spot the size of a pinhead - why would that frighten you?

It could be just about anything - a tiny mark from an injury, a spot, a tiny blemish, a tiny anything really. Nobody can say what it is, firstly we can't see it and secondly even if we could we probably wouldn't know what had caused it. Do you have absolutely blemish free porcelain skin ? :winks: I only ask as I have lots of freckles, spots, dots, marks and things.

Anyway, as I said - why does it worry you - what is it about it that makes you anxious ?

17-04-18, 20:31
I’ve been getting a lot of these recently. How old are you? I have a few of these on my back and on my chest. I read that as you get older these are very common. Is it like a tiny red freckle?