View Full Version : Vision problems, please help

17-04-18, 20:21

I have big aniexty about seeing slight static in vision.

For example, if i look at a white wall or in darkness i got like a kind of visual noise. Its not very much but a little noise. It seems that i can see it everywhere if i focus enough. Is this normal??

Also i have a question about whether its normal that when i focus on something like an object long enough it starts to slightly move to the side or when i focus on a carpet for a while it seems like it is moving like a wave.

Third thing is that it seems that stuff in dim light slightly vibrates when i focus hard i dont know if this all things is aniexty and im just being hyperaware of normal vision phenomenes.

Please help me out



17-04-18, 20:47
Hi Alex

I've been dealing with vision problems myself lately as well so hopefully my experience will be helpful to you.

I also get static in my vision to the point where it looks like it's constantly raining no matter where I look.

I also get visual disturbances if I overexert myself or let my eyes be exposed to the cold. I will see the walls moving and getting further away.

I recently saw the optician about it at my doctor's request and they found that apart from visible floaters on the back of my eye, my optic nerve is fine and eye pressure is good. I also get ghosting when looking at white or light text on a dark background.

My diagnosis was ocular migraines and mild astigmatism. These kinds of vision problems are usually stress related and should pass when your anxiety gets better.


Also, focusing on something for a time while you have anxiety will likely cause disturbances as well, most likely some form of eye strain

17-04-18, 23:57
Yes i have it,look up visual snow syndrome

18-04-18, 00:33
if i look at a white wall or in darkness i got like a kind of visual noise. Its not very much but a little noise. It seems that i can see it everywhere if i focus enough. Is this normal??

100% normal. Most people just tune it out like we do hearing our heartbeat when we lay down or feeling our bodies rock to our heartbeat etc.

Positive thoughts

18-04-18, 09:39
yes i used to have these and still have them once i am tensed. I do get headaches with tension too. I was on vacation from my job for couple of weeks and never ever had any of these symptoms during those days