View Full Version : Horrible panic

18-04-18, 00:44
Yesterday I had a mild headache in back of head that didn’t require painkillers but was annoying & went away on its own & then today I had another mild headache on top of head so it moved from yesterday’s spot. Again no painkillers needed but today very briefly, maybe 10 seconds I felt this odd dizziness when I moved my head to the left. Now I think it was equilibrium & that maybe this is somehow sinus related because I know sinuses can affect equilibrium but I got horribly panic stricken over this thinking of brain tumors. I’m just wondering what anyone thinks about this because I’m trying not to just make myself crazy with fear here. I still have very mild headache not requiring painkiller & a very slightly off equilibrium feeling but less than before. No neurological symptoms. Any feedback would be much appreciated as I’m very anxious about this. Thank you.

18-04-18, 01:08
It is probably nothing but go and see your doctor. There are no doctors here.

18-04-18, 04:07
I was just wondering if anyone else had ever experienced anything similar & wasn’t asking for a medical diagnosis.