View Full Version : A question for all of you suffering from GERD...

18-04-18, 01:48
Hey All,
I have a gastroscopy in 2 weeks, definitely nervous.
Does anyone get heartburn like this?

Sometimes I"m fine, it seems I can eat and I'm fine, other days I'll get heartburn and I have no idea why but my heartburn goes into my back and burns.
Sometimes like yesterday I"ll eat lunch at 3 pm and then dinner at 5 pm and then go to bed at 11 pm and get heartburn as soon as I lay down yet I ate 6 hours earlier!?
This confuses the heck out of me as it says don't eat 3-4hours before bed.
Last night I had to literally sleep sitting up which was horrible and then in the morning when I lay down I got heartburn!?
I'm seriously thinking that something really bad must be going on in my gut but trying not to catastrophize!
Does anyone else have it as bad as me?
Love to hear your thoughts?

Ps I've had GERD for about 10 years and Losec helps but I'm on a really low dose of 10mg and had stopped for a week - started again today.
PPS: I have had H Pylori but was cleared of that 3 months ago but maybe it's back?

18-04-18, 02:06
I didn't really eat any carbs last night. I had rice and beef for lunch and chicken, peas and potatoes for dinner, but only maybe 4 small cubes of potato - but I will try!

---------- Post added at 01:06 ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 ----------

Wait .... is rice carbs??

18-04-18, 02:09
Have you kept a food diary?

Positive thoughts

18-04-18, 02:19
I have kept a food journal and i know my triggers, this one just seemed odd as I waited so long to go to bed so I wouldn't get heartburn and I did!
I didn't eat any triggers, but I did put pepper on my chicken - could have been that?
But I don't eat, tomato, garlic, onion, heavy fats, nothing fun .....

18-04-18, 02:36
I have kept a food journal and i know my triggers, this one just seemed odd as I waited so long to go to bed so I wouldn't get heartburn and I did!
I didn't eat any triggers, but I did put pepper on my chicken - could have been that?
But I don't eat, tomato, garlic, onion, heavy fats, nothing fun .....

It could have been. I've had some reflux that's awakened me a good 8-10 hours after eating a trigger food. That's why I asked. For example, my wife made an amazing soup that had beef in it. I ate around 6 and I can feel it coming back on me. Took a swig of Mylanta and I still feel bloaty and full... I'm thinking the fats in the meat aren't agreeing with me. Eh... it happens. I just wouldn't attribute it to anything bad :shrug:

Positive thoughts

18-04-18, 02:52
Im curious, do IBS and GERD often go hand in hand? I have IBS and sinus issues too

18-04-18, 03:20
I Have ibs as well so I’d say yes there is a correlation!

18-04-18, 07:57
Anyone experience anything similar?

18-04-18, 08:15
Ps I've had GERD for about 10 years and Losec helps but I'm on a really low dose of 10mg and had stopped for a week - started again today.
PPS: I have had H Pylori but was cleared of that 3 months ago but maybe it's back?

Have you tried Zantac instead of Losec? Zantac is a H2 receptor antagonist, whereas Losec is a PPI.

I can't take PPI's but am ok on zantac for a while. You could also try some Multi Digestive enzymes with your meals. Vitafit is a good one :)

18-04-18, 10:53
I take Nexium 40mg and try not too eat anything other than steamed fish and veg,boring but I suffer terrible, I also take Priobotics which psychologically help.

18-04-18, 11:40
Anyone experience anything similar?

I guess I'm not "anyone" and you didn't read my response! :doh: Add to the list of great suggestions the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet and I agree about trying a stronger OTC PPI like Zantac (and you have to take them regularly for them to work). My wife and I take Protonix but that's a prescription. It's been great though.

Positive thoughts

24-04-18, 19:34
Have you tried Zantac instead of Losec? Zantac is a H2 receptor antagonist, whereas Losec is a PPI.

I can't take PPI's but am ok on zantac for a while. You could also try some Multi Digestive enzymes with your meals. Vitafit is a good one :)

I hope that you do not mind me asking you this but when I have seen an ENT specialist who put a camera down to see in my throat, mucous and hoarseness were my symptoms, he noticed some acid reflux and also since that had improved by using Omeprazole he has seen post nasal dripping from what he thinks is my deviated septum. He checked again with the scope after a month and saw the drip and mucous forming where that is running.

I'm still taking Omeprazole and Gaviscon / Peptac to help with the reflux but it's taking a PPI as effective as taking something like the other H2 type of drugs.?
Or is it a matter of finding what works for you?
Peptac is much cheaper than Gaviscon and seems to be effective.

Apart from trying my very best to reduce my anxiety levels hand you found anything dietary wise to help with acid reflux..? In particular foods to avoid.?

I believe that I need to avoid chocolate and peppermint, both were used daily. I have also stopped having ginger tea and instead now dying Chamomile, I think that is better for digestive-health.

Also I have noted that you can buy omeprazole pretty cheaply online, cheaper it seems than I can get it from my own doctors, not thought about that. I do see Nexium being sold but I do believe that is Esomeprazole and not the same PPI...?

Many thanks

EDIT Sorry for posting as I did, I guess it must have been inappropriate to ask what I did

Take care all.

24-04-18, 20:31
I've seen the GP today about Gerd as Lansaprozale isn't working for me. Anyway GP has upped my dose and may send me for a camera test as she thinks I might have a hernia. Mine is far worse at night, I can lay down and instantly feel nauseous and sometimes I wake with burning in my throat. I also find weird things trigger mine, not the usual spicy foods and alcohol but things like wholemeal bread and bananas. I mentioned it to the GP and she said everyone is different with acid and what affects one person won't another. Anyway she was reassured that my symptoms are worse at night as apparently that is typical reflux and not an indicator of anything more sinister. I also mentioned how I can eat and literally hours later regurgitate food into my mouth just by bending over or get sharp pains in my throat and back.
So I think with gerd a range of symptoms is fairly normal.

01-05-18, 18:36
I just have to tell you this: Any change you make to treat your GERD will take at least four weeks to show improvement. I have dealt with this condition for a long time. Sometimes I am just sure I am dying because I am not getting better. Give it a month.

01-05-18, 19:36
I have just ordered some slippery elm to see if that can be helpful.
From what I have read some who have used it have found that is beneficial.

02-05-18, 03:33
That's interesting about the 4 weeks! I do find that as soon as I go off track with my diet, re: healthy green paleo food, I get GERD!
If i drink more than two cups of coffee or a chocolate biscuit. It seems I'm doomed for a boring diet forever!!
I got scared and changed my day for the gastroscopy!