View Full Version : Tingling in Head and face from a panic attack?

18-04-18, 10:03
Anyone else ever get tingles on their head, face, nose, lips triggered by panic attacks? Mostly it only happens on my inner arms, but about a month ago it was different and freakkkkked me out. My story is below, but you can just answer the initial question if you like.

A bit over a month ago I had the worst panic attack of my life. Long story short I get high BP readings at the doc office almost every single time. Usually 133-155/something not too intense.

I was checking my blood pressure at home with my own monitor (i'm only 25 for gods sake) and it read 126/something low and I was like yayyyyy (that's good for me). Then I was silly and checked it about a minute later hoping it went below 120...but nope it was 155/90something. I was very confused because I was in a good mood from the lower reading..perhaps too excited from the good reading? I felt really calm though, I was just in a good mood..so not knowing why that happened I kinda spiraled out of control for the next 30 minutes or so constantly checking my BP where it was stuck at 145/75-85 or something like that.

I had constant tingling on both of my inner arms leading down to my ring and pinky fingers which I am aware happens to me when I get too anxious. I was sitting at the dinner table with my mom and GF as they tried to help me relax, and I tried some deep breathing which apparently didn't sit well with me, because I was trying to chill out taking deep breaths and talking to my mom and GF, and at some point I felt the tingling in my arms spread to my upper back, into the back of my neck, onto the top of my head, and into my face, nose, and lips. At this point I damn near lost my mind and started to feel something squeeze my left chest about 2 inches below my left nipple and told my mom to call 911. The tightness in the chest didn't last more than like 10 seconds, but the fact that it happened at all freaked me out

They're on the way, I'm pretty sure I'm dead at this point, but my mom hands me the phone, and I kid you not, within a minute or 2 after speaking with this lady on the phone, and knowing the ambulance was on the way, it was like a huge wave of calm over came me. The tingling pretty much went away, the tightness in the chest was gone by this time and I was just chillin on the couch waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

They ran some basic stuff on me in their car and said everything checked out just fine, and they don't see a reason to bring me to the hospital.

19-04-18, 04:31
Yes. tingling is a symptom I am familiar with. I don't know if yours are the same, but mine feel like a distant epileptic feeling. Just know it is a response to your panic and it will go away eventually. Try not to focus on it, just let it happen. You can watch it as it happens and just be amazed at how the body does such strange things sometimes.