View Full Version : Bruise - Humour me please!

18-04-18, 15:06
So I'm just posting this as I'm really trying to battle my HA at the moment and stop myself running to the Dr every 5 minutes.

I just figured I can rationalise this myself and hopefully you will agree with this thought pattern.

On Monday at the gym I went on the sit down cross trainer and in doing so the pedal (huge big heavy pedal) smacked into my shin. It hurt like mad but I got on the cross trainer and did my 30 minute work out.

I immediately felt a lump on my shin and yesterday could see a bruise coming out.

Today the bruise is huge about the size of an egg and it's yellow/brown and green, still hurts like mad.

I started going down the HA route because of the size of it but I'm trying to reason this out logically by challenging the panic that is trying to set in.

Firstly it really hurt so it obviously did some damage and the lump underneath is proof of that.
Secondly I'd been exercising my legs before the knock and then proceeded to exercise them for a further 30 minutes, so lots of increased blood flow to the area before and after the incident. Increased blood flow will make the bruising worse.
Thirdly have a few other bruises on me but all rather tiny and can account for them.
Fourth Drunk lots of alcohol at the weekend which thins the blood and makes bruising more likely.

I'm actually going to give up drinking as I drunk quite a lot at a Wedding at the weekend and I've noticed it's really increased my anxiety this week. Last week I felt very positive and generally happy apart from my persisting acid reflux but this week I feel really down and anxious , so as well as making bruising worse I really think it has a massive impact on my anxiety and mood!.

Sorry I just wanted to post this so you can hopefully agree with what I've said and also to try and prove to myself that I am able to challenge this HA with some effort and rationalisation!

18-04-18, 16:43
Ow, that will have hurt and left a huge bruise no doubt.
Try some arnica cream on it maybe?

Not sure what else you’re worried about, but - you banged your shin, it left a bruise.

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19-04-18, 07:17
Thank you Scass

It's just rare for me to get a bruise that big so obviously the HA is trying to scare me into other things like leukemia etc but I'm not giving into it! :D