View Full Version : Trouble functioning

18-04-18, 18:48
I was doing much better health-wise until about 5 weeks ago. Then, out of the blue, I started experiencing dizziness, bad shortness of breath upon any exertion, generally feeling unwell and some abdominal/pelvic pain. I ended up being sent to A&E by the Walk in Centre and they took bloods, ECG, urine and discharged me with 'you've probably got a gastric virus that is working its way out of your system'. That was 5 weeks ago. Although the dizziness has gotten better and the shortness of breath is not as noticeable, I still feel generally unwell, tired, still have abdominal/pelvic pains intermittently through the day and feel constantly nauseous (although I have not actually thrown up yet). I've also noticed that I've started burping quite a lot. I was putting this all down to a stomach virus but surely a stomach virus cannot last this length of time??

I'm really worried as it's starting to interfere with my working life and I'm finding hard to muster the energy to do my job.