View Full Version : Job Worries again, but this time different.

18-04-18, 23:28

So a while ago I got some really great advice with anxiety about my upcoming unemployment. Well, things on that front have changed, I have found myself a new position at a new University (Don't think I mentioned it before but I work in HE) this University is a lot larger than my previous one where I was educated and spent my first year after graduation working a very interesting job. However, now I am leaving after 4 great years and I'm scared to death.

I was only on a small wage before but it was more than enough for me and I was happy just to be employed, now this new job is around £7,000 per year which means more responsibility, larger workload and longer hours. However and this is where my issue starts, I don't think I'm good enough for this position I feel as if they have hired me by mistake that I have said something in my interview or application that mislead them to believe I am brilliant. I fell that I will get in the building on my first day they will expect great things from me but I won't perform as I am not good enough to be there.

I don't know what to do, I'm scared. I am also tired and alone, this always happens I jump from one issue to another and never seem to be able to settle. I just want to do well, this job is something I want to be good at but I am so pessimistic that I can never have a moment of joy. As soon as I saw the contact today and it said 12-month probationary period I thought well I don't think I will even make it through that has after a month they will see in a fraud and unable to perform.


19-04-18, 03:05
Hi Westofthewood

I often feel like this when starting a new job. I think 'of all the people you could have chosen, you went and chose me!' I do feel worried about the probationary period and feel once they've discovered how useless I am they'll bitterly regret their decision. In reality though this is the anxiety talking. Try thinking of the positives. Presumably you had appraisals in your last job? I bet they were good and you were well thought of. Interviews are so much tougher now than they used to be and you passed! Their systems are highly developed to weed out unsuitable applicants and only pick the best! University employment selection procedures are particularly robust (yes, I've been through those myself!). You got chosen because you passed a tough, rigorous selection procedure, try not to underestimate that. Try and think of the positives you have achieved in previous roles. The things you presumably brought up at interview that impressed.

Early days in a new job are particularly tough and nobody will expect miracles from day one. Just take it day by day and get yourself settled in. Get to know your colleagues and you'll start to feel better once you've found a few friendly faces amongst them. If it helps, think of some of the other people you know who are less than satisfactory in their job performances, yet carry on regardless and most of their colleagues accept their failings without much concern. Try not to be too much of a perfectionist, many of us don't feel fantastic at our jobs, but when you read the job descriptions and person specifications and the demands at interview you are often left feeling only superman or superwoman would really fit the bill! I actually laugh at some of the ridiculously demanding job requirements of many lowly establishments that expect you to move heaven and earth for the minimum wage with little respect in return! Universities in my experience are more tolerant and respectful and generally better places to work. YOU'LL BE FINE! :D

19-04-18, 22:35
Hi Tyke,

It is nice to hear that it isn't just me that feels this, however, at the same time it's not as no one likes to hear that other people also suffer from things like this. You make some excellent points throughout your reply and I am grateful as you have really helped me. I never actually had an appraisal at my current job as we are graduates we had weekly meetings but I never had any complaints. I will do my best to focus on the positives as you are very much right with what you are saying.

I will try my best to take each day as it comes and go from there, you are correct that HE is a little more understanding as its a learning environment they understand that we all need to learn. Thank you again I will keep this in mind whenever I feel it getting to me.

Thank You!