View Full Version : I hate my life right now

19-04-18, 16:59
I have been having a few good hours and the rest are filled with waking from a racing heart and jolting awake, feeling anxious at the very pit of my stomach, unable to concentrate, realising how terrible my life situation is and then feeling only moments away from a panic attack.

I've not suffered terribly with panic attacks before, I've only ever had one before and I was able to recover from ot pretty quick. Now from my last one I feel like im going to have another all the time. I just had to leave someones place because I felt I was about to lose it and have a panic attack, she was trying to calm me down and told me to walk it off.

Apart of me knows it's just panic but why it all started and why I'm feeling it I have no idea. I also don't feel in control what so ever. I feel alone and scared, I don't feel like anyone understands the fear I feel for no real reason. I'm so on edge.

The other part of me thinks I'm dying and my heart is just going to stop from all this stress.

19-04-18, 17:22
How old are you Mav and what treatment are you getting for anxiety symptoms?

You've been having a tough time lately...

19-04-18, 18:51
How old are you Mav and what treatment are you getting for anxiety symptoms?

You've been having a tough time lately...

I'm 20 and no treatment. I've only suffered health anxiety prior to this, and that was more obsession based. I don't suffer from health anxiety like that anymore, and this has all come on for little to no reason. It's like my adrenaline and cortisol levels have spiked up ridiculously and my poor sleeping pattern, exam stress might have something to with it all.

It's been months and months since my health anxiety has stopped bothering me, I was the happiest person in the world only just a week ago and the tables have turned very fast. I'm having a hard time convincing myself it's just anxiety but that's the HA thoughts kicking in to make matters worse for myself.

It has been tough lately :(

19-04-18, 19:05
Sorry to hear that you're having a such a tough time.

I think you're right, stress due to exams and getting poor sleep is probably causing these symptoms. Taking short breaks when studying and sorting out your sleeping pattern will definitely help. Also, doing some meditation excercises like Mindfulness will help you to relax. Hope you feel better soon.

19-04-18, 22:40
Prolonged stress and lack of sleep is guaranteed to increase adrenaline and cortisol.

I would recommend meditation to start with, it can really help you understand how to sit with the anxiety and let it pass.

Lots of people here understand too, and don't worry....anxiety always passes. Just let it be and accept that's where you are right now. It won't last forever!