View Full Version : Please help? Can stress and anxiety cause this?

19-04-18, 16:09
Hi, my name is Therese and I am new to this thread, I was wondering could I get some help and advice please. I have been under alot of stress this last month or so and I have OCD and anxiety which doesn't help. It all started a month ago, I was on a night out and I drank more than I should have...I met a guy in the bar I was in and we kissed and after the bar was over we went outside. We were kissing and he fingered me (sorry for details) The problem is some of it is hard to remember but I do remember most. Ever since I have been terrified we had sex (I am a virgin) but I am nearly 100% sure nothing like that happened as I would have remembered that surely? The worry and stress in the weeks aftwards started to increase so bad that I convinced myself I was pregnant. I have become obsessed this last month with searching symptoms online and have freaked myself even more. my breasts started to tingle the week before my period came (which pushed my anxiety through the roof cause I never had sore breasts before) but went away a few days before it came. My period came 2 weeks ago lasted 3 to 4 days, I thought I would have been fine once it came but aftwards I started freaking out again (after searching online) thinking it wasn't a normal period and was spotting or light bleeding even though it was the normal colour I can't help but worry. A few days ago I was online again and came across a woman who said she had severe sore breasts and went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant, while I was reading it I felt a slight pain and now they feel slightly sore on and off since then.. Is this stress? Because why did the pain come back after I read that? I have had very slight heartburn over Easter because I overate and to much chocolate and fast foods which I normally wouldn't eat. I started to worried heartburn was pregnancy. I am obsessed with checking myself all the time and the least little thing makes me think I am pregnant I focus on every sensation and freak out. My sister says I might be hypochondriac...does anyone else have these feelings? Can stress cause this? How can I know what's real or my obsession and fear taking over?

19-04-18, 16:24
I may be a male but just from reading the story i'm pretty sure you're worrying about nothing.

If you're almost 100% certain that it didn't go any further than that then you are most likely right, there's evidence for it too.

You can't be pregnant if it happened a month ago and you had your period 2 weeks ago.

Anxiety causes symptoms that are psychosomatic in nature. Read about something enough and you will start to feel similar symptoms especially if you have health anxiety. Basically you manage to convince your body that you have x or y condition and it will react accordingly.

If you're not getting treatment for your mental health it would be a good idea to start now before it goes any further.

19-04-18, 17:47
Hi, my name is Therese and I am new to this thread, sorry I hope I've posted in the correct one. I was wondering could I get some help and advice please. I have been under alot of stress this last month or so and I have OCD and anxiety which doesn't help. It all started a month ago, I was on a night out and I drank more than I should have...I met a guy in the bar I was in and we kissed and after the bar was over we went outside. We were kissing and he fingered me (sorry for details) The problem is some of it is hard to remember but I do remember most. Ever since I have been terrified we had sex (I am a virgin) but I am nearly 100% sure nothing like that happened as I would have remembered that surely? The worry and stress in the weeks aftwards started to increase so bad that I convinced myself I was pregnant. I have become obsessed this last month with searching symptoms online and have freaked myself even more. my breasts started to tingle the week before my period came (which pushed my anxiety through the roof cause I never had sore breasts before) but went away a few days before it came. My period came 2 weeks ago lasted 3 to 4 days, I thought I would have been fine once it came but aftwards I started freaking out again (after searching online) thinking it wasn't a normal period and was spotting or light bleeding even though it was the normal colour I can't help but worry. A few days ago I was online again and came across a woman who said she had severe sore breasts and went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant, while I was reading it I felt a slight pain and now they feel slightly sore on and off since then.. Is this stress? Because why did the pain come back after I read that? I have had very slight heartburn over Easter because I overate and to much chocolate and fast foods which I normally wouldn't eat. I started to worried heartburn was pregnancy. I am obsessed with checking myself all the time and the least little thing makes me think I am pregnant I focus on every sensation and freak out. My sister says I might be hypochondriac...does anyone else have these feelings? Can stress cause this? How can I know what's real or my obsession and fear taking over?

19-04-18, 18:14
Why don’t you take a pregnancy test to put your mind at ease? I strongly suspect it will be negative. I really think that regardless of how drunk you were that you would remember having sex. I would guess your period was your period and stress can cause any number of physical symptoms.

20-04-18, 01:01
ess and anxiety cause this?

Hi, my name is Therese and I am new to this thread, I was wondering could I get some help and advice please. I apologize as I have posted this thread to discuss before, I guess I'm over anxious. I have been under alot of stress this last month or so and I have OCD and anxiety which doesn't help. It all started a month ago, I was on a night out and I drank more than I should have...I met a guy in the bar I was in and we kissed and after the bar was over we went outside. We were kissing and he fingered me (sorry for details) The problem is some of it is hard to remember but I do remember most. Ever since I have been terrified we had sex (I am a virgin) but I am nearly 100% sure nothing like that happened as I would have remembered that surely? The worry and stress in the weeks aftwards started to increase so bad that I convinced myself I was pregnant. I have become obsessed this last month with searching symptoms online and have freaked myself even more. my breasts started to tingle the week before my period came (which pushed my anxiety through the roof cause I never had sore breasts before) but went away a few days before it came. My period came 2 weeks ago lasted 3 to 4 days, I thought I would have been fine once it came but aftwards I started freaking out again (after searching online) thinking it wasn't a normal period and was spotting or light bleeding even though it was the normal colour I can't help but worry. A few days ago I was online again and came across a woman who said she had severe sore breasts and went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant, while I was reading it I felt a slight pain and now they feel slightly sore on and off since then.. Is this stress? Because why did the pain come back after I read that? I have had very slight heartburn over Easter because I overate and to much chocolate and fast foods which I normally wouldn't eat. I started to worried heartburn was pregnancy. I am obsessed with checking myself all the time and the least little thing makes me think I am pregnant I focus on every sensation and freak out. My sister says I might be hypochondriac...does anyone else have these feelings? Can stress cause this? How can I know what's real or my obsession and fear taking over?

welsh girl
20-04-18, 13:17
Oh dear what a state you are in, I would bet anything you are not pregnant, if you had sex for the first time you would know, (signs and symptoms ) any experienced woman would tell you. and it is not always easy the first time.
Do I take it that you are very young? if No, I hesitate to advise you as you would know that kissing a pick up is very dangerous in itself,

20-04-18, 14:52
Stress and anxiety can definitely cause all that.

I think your anxiousness over what happened outside the bar and your worry about it has led to your spiraling thoughts about pregnancy.

I don't think you're pregnant (or had sex that night), but for your own peace of mind maybe you should schedule a doctor's visit, and talk to them about it. They'll be able to do a pregnancy test to put your mind at ease. At the very least, you could buy one of those home pregnancy tests; when it shows you're not pregnant it might help calm your thoughts down.

20-04-18, 19:43
I have had 2 babies and neither of those did I have even a slight type of period, anxiety can cause awful heartburn, this is one of the things my anxiety gives me, along with nausea and over sensitivity to anything in my body. The best way to put your mind at rest is either a home pregnancy test or pop to the doctors and they will do one for you there and then we a urine sample, that is the only way you will know in your mind for sure.

21-04-18, 02:14
Please help, I have been under alot of stress and worry this last while. I have OCD and anxiety but OCD has always been worse until recently. Worrying and stress has caused my anxiety to go through the roof and my constant searching online about my symptoms and making me feel worse for doing so. I started to get tingling in my breasts 2 weeks before my period but went away a few days beforehand, then around Easter I started to get mild heartburn but I think it is acid reflux by my symptoms as it feels like something is stuck in my throat sometimes, this last few days now especially today I feel a tightness in my throat like it's hard to breath and my shoulders are so tense. Also a few days ago I was reading an article about breast pain and while I was reading it the pain came back again, why is this happening to me? How can I stop it? I just want to feel ok again...Starting to feel depressed

22-04-18, 23:05
I have been under alot of stress and my anxiety is really bad this last month or so. A week before my period I had been feeling a slight pain like a tingling sensation in my left or right breast but never at the same time. It went away the day before my period came but came back two weeks later after I was obsessing and worrying and fearful about it coming back...I hope this doesn't sound weird but has I was reading online about breast pain it all of a sudden came back. It's not severe, it is like an achy tingling feeling that last for a second just now and again. I am getting the same feeling under my arms and my neck and shoulders are very tense. Prolonged anxiety can cause this right?

22-04-18, 23:19

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


22-04-18, 23:25

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

23-04-18, 00:26
Please help, I have been under alot of stress and worry this last while. I have OCD and anxiety but OCD has always been worse until recently. Worrying and stress has caused my anxiety to go through the roof and my constant searching online about my symptoms and making me feel worse for doing so. I started to get tingling in my breasts 2 weeks before my period but went away a few days beforehand, then around Easter I started to get mild heartburn but I think it is acid reflux by my symptoms as it feels like something is stuck in my throat sometimes, this last few days now especially today I feel a tightness in my throat like it's hard to breath and my shoulders are so tense. Also a few days ago I was reading an article about breast pain and while I was reading it the pain came back again, why is this happening to me? How can I stop it? I just want to feel ok again...Starting to feel depressed

Therese - You have replies to your posts, but instead of responding, you start a new thread. We can't help if you don't interact and respond to us.

23-04-18, 01:46
So sorry I am still getting uses to this site. I thought I got start different threads but I wasn't aware I couldn't. I will responds asap. Thanks.

---------- Post added at 01:46 ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 ----------

Thank you everyone for replying. Very helpful and comforting advice. Apologises I keep repeating myself I am worrying alot and feel I need reassurance. Before now I have never experienced this type of anxiety and I was unaware of what it can do to your body...scary!

23-04-18, 12:44
That's OK. I will bump thread so you hopefully get more replies. You can keep posting here too.

23-04-18, 21:54
Thank you ☺

---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 19:56 ----------

Non-cyclical*breast pain*is where the*breast pain*isn't linked to the menstrual cycle. ... Stress and*anxiety can*also be linked to*breast pain. The*pain can*be in one or*both breasts*and*can*affect the whole*breast*or a specific area. It may be a burning, prickling or stabbing*pain, or a feeling of tightness.

Seems up my symptoms perfect,

27-04-18, 18:57
Just an update, this week I have decided to start to ignore the twinges and tingling in my breasts because it was starting to effect my work. I started to try to keep occupied and try and not obsess over it, It wasn't easy because I freak out anytime I feel a pain and my anxiety levels rise. I have noticed the pain subsiding and not as often as it was. Is this going to be an on going issue?

27-04-18, 19:16
Just an update, this week I have decided to start to ignore the twinges and tingling in my breasts because it was starting to effect my work. I started to try to keep occupied and try and not obsess over it, It wasn't easy because I freak out anytime I feel a pain and my anxiety levels rise. I have noticed the pain subsiding and not as often as it was. Is this going to be an on going issue?

While no one can tell if it will be ongoing, it's apparent that it was tied to your anxiety over it as it lessened when you forced yourself to ignore it.

Positive thoughts

27-04-18, 20:25
While no one can tell if it will be ongoing, it's apparent that it was tied to your anxiety over it as it lessened when you forced yourself to ignore it.

Positive thoughts

Yes seems to be so I just have to try and stop freaking out and stay calm to see when it will go away. Thanks you for your response :)