View Full Version : spitting blood when clearing throat... worried

19-04-18, 20:15
hello everyone I'm new here,

basically since a few weeks ago I've had a very sore throat due to post nasal drip and wisdom tooth coming through... however the mucus seems to be harder than usual to clear so I've found myself hacking up mucous from the back of my throat but not coughing as such. anyway there's been a few occasions I could taste blood in my mouth and one occasion I spat onto a tissue and seen bloody saliva. there was also a night not long before I got the sore throat where I woke up to blood in my mouth and because I was so tired I can't remember where it was coming from I think it was my gums but I can't be sure and they only seem to bleed if I brush my teeth. I've been to urgent care and only the nurse would see me and she just ruled out throat infection with swabs. I have to wait 2 more weeks to see a doc and I think they probably won't even want to send me for a chest x-ray because I'm 26 and non smoker. am I worrying about nothing?

thanks :)

20-04-18, 00:34
You are doing the best you can do by getting it checked out.

I don't have direct experience but have read sometimes you can spit blood because of irritation or regular infection. That is the much more likely scenario. Try not to worry unless a doctor gives you a reason to!

20-04-18, 12:41
If there was blood while brushing your teeth, it could be your gums. I would treat that right away, but then again I could be wrong. If there isn’t too much blood in the mucus, you’re ok. The low humidity can be the cause of it. Try getting a machine or get something to add more moisture to the air! ^ ^

20-04-18, 13:54
thank you so much for your replies. it wasn't a lot of blood no it was like a tiny spit of it... I've had bloody streaked mucus from my nose before when I have a bad cold but usually can't taste the blood if it's mixed in with mucos but definitely could taste the blood this time and it was just mixed with saliva no mucous which makes me think it was probably from my mouth not my lungs... sometimes i can be rational about it but there's still a tiny bit of doubt

thanks guys xx

21-04-18, 01:38
I believe blood from the lungs is foamy generally and a pinky colour. Due to the throat i would tbibk it would be irritated and sore especially if you are hacking up the mucous to get rid. If its only occasional and a small amount its normally nkthing to worry about. Irritation of anywhere leads to bleeding hence why people vomit blood after heavy drinking. If you were literally coughing blood up all the time then thats a different story.

21-04-18, 15:56
thank you yes it is certainly pretty irritated so that makes sense xx