View Full Version : Not sure this is normal?

19-04-18, 23:00
Long story short, I've had a relapse of panic disorder over the last couple of months. I had a trip away on my own for work this week Mon/Tue and for weeks I had been dreading it. Trains/classroom style meetings don't agree with me. Anyway... although panic crept in from time to time throughout i adopted the "Accept" it approach and remained where I was and just tried to let it do its thing, and eventually the panic feeling sort of subsided but I felt quite numb. Perhaps a bit of de-personalisation?

Anyway, since I got home Tuesday night, the rest of this week I've felt even more anxious just doing day to day things. Sore head, dizzy, not feeling really with it. I thought I would experience more of a sense of relief? I have 3 more trips away coming up over the coming weeks, but the way I've felt this week I just feel generally unwell and like I'm in a bubble.

Is this normal after a period of anxiety? Any hints of tips for coming back to reality? I just don't feel "right". Even a little stressed.

20-04-18, 09:49
I often feel more anxiety after a period of stress, usually a few days after.

Just ride it out, it'll pass. Actively relax, meditate, go for walks. Do stuff that has a calming effect. You will still feel anxious while you're doing it, but the point is that you're setting yourself up to NOT feel anxious a few days down the line.