View Full Version : I need to pee even after I pee

20-04-18, 00:59
So since Friday I have decided to start eating healthier and to quit all energy drinks and sodas cold turkey because I realized I was getting out of hand. Yay me. Well so far it has gone great as I have been drinking plenty of water and nothing else and have eaten smaller portions.

Well here comes my health anxiety. Coincidentially enough, since Friday evening, I have been peeing a lot. I mean a lot. Then on Saturday I start noticing a sensation and pressure that even after I peed I need to pee, but nothing comes out.

My wife explains that I am just peeing a lot because my body is getting used to the water intake and no longer having caffeine and sugary drinks.

Well last night I went to the bathroom like 3 times in an hour, mostly dribbles, but I felt I needed to go, so now she is worried so we go to the emergency room.

They test my urine, no bacteria, no red or white blood cells so that eliminates UTI. No pain or any swelling so that eliminates kidney stones, and they checked my glucose, so most likely eliminates diabetes. I also do not feel excessively thirsty or hungry, my vision (outside of my seasonal allergies killing my eyes) is not blurry, and I am not really fatigues outside of being tired at the end of a hard days work, in which I am

They basically said it most likely is my body getting used to no more caffeine and sugary drinks and more water intake.

So I guess I should be happy that it is nothing life threatening; however, it still is annoying feeling like I need to pee all the time, and it is weird to me that I would feel that way. Yes going more often is logical, but feeling like I need to pee even after I go doesn't seem normal.

Can anyone else relate to this?

20-04-18, 09:40
A drastic (and positive) change in diet and an increase in water intake that seems likely to effect your toilet habits, plus the reassurance of medical professionals.

Not sure what anybody else can add here that you haven't already addressed yourself! :)

20-04-18, 09:44
Going through EXACTLY this at the moment. Interestingly it started for me about a month or so again since being on a low carb high fat eating plan. I started to have far more frequent urination and put this down to the diet even though I hadn’t increased my fluid intake. For other reasons I came off the diet plan but the frequent urination continued and I also found the pretty much constant urge to go developed with the feeling of bladder pressure...it’s almost like feeling constantly aware of the bladder.

I have been to the GP and had dip test and had a full panel of bloods done including kidney, liver function and PSA prostate (I’m a 50 year old guy) and everything all as it should be. Interestingly I’ve had a couple of similar episodes of this happen before...once about 8 years ago and again a couple of years ago and as I recall it was all incredibly similar but it did seem to resolve itself quicker.

What I believe is huge here is that your bladder function is an automatic process and once your mind starts fixating on and meddling in its function then it very quickly disrupts the natural regulatory process. It’s the same with any facet of health anxiety, fixation, monitoring and of course fear will only generate more and more of the symptom/sensation.

I’m sure if you read around here and other anxiety forums etc you will find this urination issue has happened to untold people and that very often it’s something that happens, resolved itself and then may return years down the line...that is also incredibly common with physical anxiety symptoms.

I do think the key is to lose the fear and let the pelvic area relax and return to doing what t does best. Good luck and hope it’s back to normal soon.

20-04-18, 14:45
Give your body about 3 weeks to get use to your new diet. Congratulations on getting healthy. Also the more anxious you get the more your gonna want to urinate .

20-04-18, 16:15
Give your body about 3 weeks to get use to your new diet. Congratulations on getting healthy. Also the more anxious you get the more your gonna want to urinate .

This is painfully true for me. It was pretty damn scary until i was able to catch a moment and realize it.. every time i hit a panic event, sure enough, boom.. peeing every hour. But if i relax, and breath, and work it out... normal 2+ hour intervals (i tend to watch time since i am pre-diabetic, and try to keep an eye for warning signs).

23-04-18, 09:23
Thanks for the replies. I had been doing better, and things have normalized a bit. I still have the pressure like I need to pee even after going, but my intervals had been doing better and its not so severe.

That is until last night, after dinner where I started going again every 30 minutes, full stream, but now I kind of have to push to get it started.

So here I go again, I am super anxious because that is a sign of diabetes.

So I keep trying to convince myself that the doctor said he was 90 percent sure this wasn't a diabetic problem because although my glucose was a little high (106) most of the time when diabetics come in for that problem their glucose is up at 200+. Plus the fact I am not suffering any other issues.

But then I get anxious because what if? It had been 4 hours since I ate anything, I went to the ER around midnight since the VA ER is an hour from me. Maybe that time span had my glucose lower, but after I eat it skyrockets?

I am fearful that I chose to switch to a healthier life style too late. I am getting sick of this anxiety. I have been doing so much better with it lately, until last Saturday when this started.

23-04-18, 14:58
About two months ago, this was one of my many fears. Frequent urination.

Anecdotally, what I discovered was that stimulating the muscles to "check" if I need to pee, can in fact cause pee to enter my bladder quicker... and, again, in my experiences, "checking" can also stimulate a burning I-need-to-pee-right-now feeling. So, I'd go to the washroom with what I felt was a full bladder, only to leak about 25ish millilitres.

My obsession got so bad that I started taking measuring cups and measuring how much I pee versus how much I drank.

So long answer to your question: yes, I can relate. And yes, what you describe does sound like it's both a symptom of fluid intake adjustment, and a symptom of anxiety.

23-04-18, 17:05
At the doctors, my glucose this time was around 102-106 but that was fasting. We ruled out uti completely. Waiting on a blood draw for a1c levels and kidney functions. Told it will take a day or two to get results. Gonna be a long wait.

28-04-18, 02:45
Well, got the results. Apparently I'm not diabetic but I'm on the edge. My a1c was 6.0 and 6.1 is where it becomes diabetes according to their scale. So I guess my anxiety actually saved me this time, as it is what pushed me to stop drinking sodas and get checked out. I guess this serves as a warning that I need to find a healthier way to deal with stress and anxiety other than eating snacks and drinking monster energy. And my bathroom breaks have somewhat normalized the last few days now that I have greatly decreased my sugar intake.

28-04-18, 08:45
Great that you’ve taken preventative steps and seen some results.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-04-18, 09:30
A diet like the Dukan Diet, which is high protein, low fat and low carbs will cause your body to loose any water you are retaining, that's why you have to drink 1.5 litres of water per day to flush it out. Also quitting any sugar (from sucrose), will cause more fluid to be released.

It's a much more healthier way of eating so well done.
I started the Dukan last Monday and have lost 1.5 kgs in 6 days. The key is sticking with it and drinking the water or herbal teas :)

21-05-18, 18:39
So I went to the va to try to get a referal to a urologist because i still get that feeling or urge that i need to urinate even after i go. She said she couldnt because there was nothing wrong. Im not diabetic, no bacteria blood, glucose or any weird enzyms show up on the blood or urine samples so it cant be a uti or kidney stones or enlarged prostate. So im stuck with this permanant urge to go but the doctor says nothing is wrong. Its driving me insane.

21-05-18, 19:27
When I started eating healthier and consuming more water, I was going every 15 to 20 mins. Your body is trying to adjust to the changes, your liver and kidneys are now cleaning out the junk that has been stored, soda messes up our bodies and can cause us to retain water, so now your body is doing what is supposed to to jump start itself, wait a couple of weeks if it is still happening then go back to doctor, oh also if you are over hydrating, meaning if your pee is really clear your liver and kidneys will work harder to flush excess water, as well as fluid retention from the soda until it regulates. I also read that you said you're eating less and drinking more water than eating that can make you go a lot as well.