View Full Version : Chest discomfort and breathlessness

20-04-18, 16:55

New to this forum, but just looking for some reassurances that I’m not the only one undergoing these issues because if feel like I’m going crazy.

I’ve had some form of health anxiety on and off for the last 10 years, but over the last two years I’ve had the same reoccurring issue, being chest pain/discomfort, feeling like my heart is beating out of my chest and some form of breathlessness/shortness. I’ve undergone various tests (multiple 12 lead ECGs, 2 trans thoracic echocardiograms, various blood tests (including cardiac markers), and a cardiac stress test, all of which I am assured show no cause for concern at all. But I can’t get the feeling that I have something seriously wrong with me out of my head.

Today I’ve again had the feeling the my heart was pumping out of my chest again accompanied by breathlessness and ever since I’ve fixated on it and feel generally pretty terrible. I did wonder whether it was fatigue induced and subconscious stress (although I don’t necessarily feel that way) (My wife and I just had a baby and he gets us up a few times during the night), but I didn’t think that it would cause me to feel this way.

What do you guys think? Does it happen to anyone else?

Thank you

21-04-18, 00:45

21-04-18, 01:00
I've had this same issue and it is very scary. I was diagnosed with costochondritis, it's an inflammation of the cartilage in your ribcage (I would look stuff up, I'm not a very reliable source.) But the pain in my chests gets a lot worse with stress and causes the left side of my chest to feel like someone is squeezing it and the middle of my chest to feel like there is a billion pounds of pressure. My doctor gave me an anti inflammatory to take, I havent tried it yet but ibuprofen seemed to work. I know it's easier said than done, do not fixate on it. Try doing things you enjoy to take your mind off the discomfort. I hope you feel better soon!