View Full Version : Serious Cancer Concern

21-04-18, 00:23

First things first, I am a 20 year old male currently attending college and working about 25 hours a week in retail. I have really bad health anxiety and I am looking into getting a therapist once my insurance updates with my parents. But for now, I have been experiencing some really frightening symptoms, some that are new, and some that have recently come back. They are:

Headaches that feel like pressure in my head. Usually around my eyes, also sometimes my cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, the top of my head, and the back of my head. This is pressure and sometimes it is excruciating and scary.

Extreme waves of fatigue that hit me randomly during the day for 10 to 45 minute intervals, where I feel really tired and weak, I yawn a lot.

Just feeling crappy and not wanting to do anything, like I am depressed or have absolutely no energy to do stuff.

Some muscle fatigue here and there.

My appetite has been really weird, sometimes really hungry, sometimes I can go a whole day without eating.

I have not been trying to lose weight and have lost 5 pounds in the last couple of months.

I know that anxiety can cause fatigue and maybe even headaches. And I have done 2 rounds of antibiotics with my GP and they said that I have no viral or bacterial infection, so I think my sinuses are fine, although they have been more runny recently. It is really hard to go to work and school when feeling like this and constantly running to the doctor is expensive and they have not helped. Please anybody tell me if this sounds like it's possibly due to stress. I am so worried I have some progressive illness as some days I feel okay but then recently I have felt no relief from my symptoms whatsoever. I'm worried the fatigue and appetite and weight issue is cancer related, but the headaches are also worrying me. I have no clue what is wrong with me and it is ruining my life. Please if this sounds like any serious disease point me in the right direction of help.

I guess I am specifically worried about some kind of cancer in my sinus, because I've tried using a neti pot and saline spray and it does not pass through one of my nostrils at all. I am worried there may be some kind of tumor there, and or some kind of cancer just effecting my entire body overall. That, or the fatigue is due to some other progressive illness and I'm hopeless.


---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

Somebody please help :(

21-04-18, 10:47
Dosent like like anything serious mate.. pressure or pain around eyes sounds like tension headache to me due to lack of proper sleep or too much stress.

As for loosing weight and having weird appetite it could be your metabolism..some people have high metabolism rate. I have a friend who is always hungry, eating heavy meals every few hours but dosent gain weight at all.

21-04-18, 14:55
Thank you ColdFusion, I'm just really freaked out because somebody told me this could be cancer or a pituitary gland tumor and I'm super overwhelmed

21-04-18, 15:52
Reading your post I can almost feel your anxiety. You admit to having HA as well. All the symptoms you describe (sans the runny nose which is probably allergies) can be attributed to anxiety. The best thing you can do for yourself is to treat the illness you do have once the insurance kicks in.

Positive thoughts

21-04-18, 16:00
Thank you Fishman,

I hate this anxiety and it’s just so hard to truly believe that anxiety can cause these awful symptoms. Like the fatigue that’s unbearable, it’s so scary and hard to accept that it’s due to anxiety when I sleep good every night and have some free time for relaxing.

21-04-18, 20:28
A deviated septum (even if it doesn’t look like it on the outside) could cause the nasal passage to not pass the saline through properly.

I like you have been feeling this fatigue and such lately. However I do have allergies and they cause my headaches, probably stress too, but I use xyzal and that clears up that part of it. Otherwise we’d feel identical. I had all routine labs completed in January and again a month ago and the only thing out of wack was my b12. It was 198 in a range of 200-968. So I have to take b12, I am now but due to ibs I think it’s not being absorbed properly so I’m going as for injections instead. All that to say, it could be a vitamin issue.

21-04-18, 21:07
Thank you Halle,

All of this is just hitting me at once and it’s really quite scary. I just wish I could feel 100% and enjoy life like my peers. Most days I worry I will die soon or have terminal cancer and it sucks.

21-04-18, 21:59
My daughter suffers with anxiety and depression. While she was at college, they had counselors she saw that helped her and her mother and I got her help privately as well. Look into mental health services at the school or speak to your parents about it. Help is available.

Positive thoughts

21-04-18, 23:35
Thank you, it’s just the ongoing sinus pressure and the fatigue and the weird weight loss is all so random for me and yeah I’ve had anxiety in the past but it’s never manifested so clearly. It’s really new for me like this.

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ----------

Update: today I am less tired but am having some blood when I blow my nose. It’s bright red and my nose feels very dry in both nostrils.

22-04-18, 19:20
Update 2: Still kind of tired today, feeling irritable. Still some dry and fresh blood mixed in with some mucus when blowing my nose. Also feeling kind of off balanced. Seeing a GP tomorrow but worried they won’t help me much.

22-04-18, 19:27
Does the college have counseling services?

Positive thoughts

22-04-18, 20:40
Yes they do, I’ll look into that as well. I wanna make sure I’m 100% healthy before finally accepting it’s all “anxiety”. I’ve just had so many people tell me my symptoms sound “serious” and that’s what has freaked me out.

22-04-18, 20:55
Yes they do, I’ll look into that as well. I wanna make sure I’m 100% healthy before finally accepting it’s all “anxiety”.

Considering you're posting on an anxiety forum speaks volumes :shades:

Positive thoughts

22-04-18, 21:02
Very true. The fatigue and weight loss and blood in mucus is just kinda scary and hard to attribute to anxiety but I know I’ve had this since I was 16, but the symptoms like this are new.

23-04-18, 00:36
I wouldn't worry too much about some blood in your nose. If you're suffering from sinus problems and also a dry nose, it's quite common for some bleeding and irritation to develop in there. Not pleasant of course but not some sure-fire sign of serious illness either.

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---------- Post added at 23:36 ---------- Previous post was at 23:34 ----------

Sometimes sinus issues can affect balance as well.

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23-04-18, 00:50
Thank you jray,

The more I read the more I hope that it’s just my sinuses. I would be so relieved to get a clear diagnosis and figure out treatment from there. That’s all I’m hoping for ya know ? I hope I get some answers !