View Full Version : Left side pain back again

21-04-18, 15:39
So I've had this issue a few months ago, where I had pain in my left side. It was mostly around my chest which freaked me out, but later it also got to my shoulder and arm, sometimes my back.

The doctor then told me it was because of my flat back, which could give these symptoms. I always felt he'd misunderstood my symptoms because I could never find any proof that a flat back could cause these symptoms.

The pain was on and off, I kept freaking out over them when they were bad, look them up and calm myself with the idea it's just anxiety and overuse.

But now it's back again, the pain in my arm, my shoulder, and sometimes a few stabbing pains in my chest. All on the left side. Could it still 'just' be anxiety or overusing? It comes and goes. I'm that person that is terrified to go to the doctor but I'm seriously considering it now cos I want this worrying to be over and I want to just know what's going on.

Does anyone know this/has anyone any ideas what it could be? Obviously I'm terrified which doesn't make it any better. Whenever I feel the stabby pain I feel like I'm close to tears. I really hope someone can give some insight.