View Full Version : Mainly a success story!

21-04-18, 18:16
Good afternoon, everyone.

Hope you're all going well. As I said this is mainly a happy post but also a question.

So in the last 8 weeks or so I've come on leaps and bounds. My anxiety is probably the lowest it's been for years which I mainly attribute to healthy eating, exercise and cutting out caffeine completely. Since then I've been to weddings and numerous other things which having only a few months ago been house bound feels amazing.

My question is, my anxiety is so low and I don't feel stressed (consciously anyway) but I still struggle with my balance issue. It's not exactly dizziness but looking down a long road or painting a wall or running on the treadmill to name a few, I kind of feel like the walls are not solid and almsot move around. I think it's actually my head and body movement but feels horrible. Also driving the scenery flying by the window can make me feel funny. I've done the GP, eye tests, blood testd and everyone says I'm really healthy.

Does anyone else still struggle with dizziness even when they feel good?

21-04-18, 18:35
He’ll yes! I think everyone gets abit dizzy at the things you’ve mentioned, but most people tune it out as it is so subtle. Sounds like you’ve just became hyper aware of it which makes you notice it more intensly

Senior Moment
21-04-18, 18:38
Hi. I was very interested to read your post and happy to hear your anxiety is improving. I am in the process of 'recovery' and the symptom that is still hanging around is the dreaded balance issues !! I had a load of physical symptoms while suffering from anxiety, but thankfully the majority of them are either gone completely, or certainly not so distressing. But the balance issues and dizziness are taking their time to vanish. I have read so often that the symptoms will not vanish at the same time as the anxiety dies down, so I guess we must just be a bit more patient, and 'let time pass', as the self help books tell you to do. Take care/ SM x

21-04-18, 19:16
Glad to hear your mental health has been improving. Just like a physical illness, healing from a mental illness can take time. Remember.....

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

21-04-18, 19:52
He’ll yes! I think everyone gets abit dizzy at the things you’ve mentioned, but most people tune it out as it is so subtle. Sounds like you’ve just became hyper aware of it which makes you notice it more intensly

Hit the nail on the head there I think! It's now a question of retraining my brain to not notice the movements, and certainly not to think they're anything unusual!

@fishmanpa Thank you! Feeling so much more myself now which is lovely! And what a great qoute, very very true.

---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:49 ----------

Hi. I was very interested to read your post and happy to hear your anxiety is improving. I am in the process of 'recovery' and the symptom that is still hanging around is the dreaded balance issues !! I had a load of physical symptoms while suffering from anxiety, but thankfully the majority of them are either gone completely, or certainly not so distressing. But the balance issues and dizziness are taking their time to vanish. I have read so often that the symptoms will not vanish at the same time as the anxiety dies down, so I guess we must just be a bit more patient, and 'let time pass', as the self help books tell you to do. Take care/ SM x


Very interesting to hear that you're going through a similar experience. It's certainly the most long lasting symptom I've experienced from the whole anxiety experience! Sending best wishes for your recovery! We keep plodding on :)

29-04-18, 10:21
Great to hear! So glad for you.

Did you use to have the boat sensation/rocking/swaying? Or do you still have that? I have the issues that are still remaining for you.